Board Meeting 2010-10-14

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Revision as of 11:18, 14 October 2010 by Tmitchell (talk | contribs) (→‎Action Summary: summary added)
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This board meeting is scheduled for the 14th of October 2010 at 17:00 UTC, on IRC (#osgeo and follow-up Skype call to vote on motions).


  • Review past minutes
  • review/approval of FOSS4G2011 budget
    • approval of $10k deposit for 2011 travel costs for organisers
  • profile FOSS4G 2010 attendees
  • Update on a few key focus areas: education, standards, events, industry (Tyler)
  • Annual Report update PDF (Tyler)
  • Charter Member nomination period
  • please add items here


  • Detailed IRC logs available here.

Attending: ...

Action Summary

Attending: Tim, Frank, Arnulf, Daniel, Chris, Jeff, Ravi and Tyler

    1. ACTION: Tyler will drop inactive charter members. Porting member database
    2. ACTION: Tyler will create a charter member mailing list.
    3. ACTION: Tyler is tasked to pursue the "business working group" concept, including liaison with the FOSS4G 2011 LOC and bring back a proposal to the next OSGeo board meeting. More discussion pending
    4. ACTION: Chris Schmidt will review the sponsorship program with a view to creating a new low sponsorship level.
    5. ACTION: Arnulf will pursue a cooperative MoU with OSM. Tim taking on this task
    6. ACTION: Arnulf to summaries direction for addressing public administration needs.
    7. MOTION: FrankW motions to refer consideration of the GITA travel expenses to the FOSS4G 2011 LOC. Tim seconded, all were in favour. Jeff to follow up.
    8. ACTION: Jeff to coordinate with conference committee on how to address this (profiling conference delegates). Lorenzo has the ### ACTION: Arnulf to summarise OGC MOU for website/announcement.


    1. ACTION: Daniel to follow up with Paul about next steps (with charter elections).
  1. Request: Tyler outlined his 4-5 key areas and is looking for volunteers from the board to help lead with him on any particular one: education, events, industry/business, standards, government/NGO


  1. Tyler scribe, Arnulf chairing
  2. Review past minutes. Frank moved to adopt the previous minutes. Daniel seconded, all were in favour. Various action items carried over or amended:
    1. Action: Tyler will drop inactive charter members. Porting member database
    2. Action: Tyler will create a charter member mailing list.
    3. Action: Tyler is tasked to pursue the "business working group" concept, including liaison with the FOSS4G 2011 LOC and bring back a proposal to the next OSGeo board meeting. More discussion pending
    4. Action: Chris Schmidt will review the sponsorship program with a view to creating a new low sponsorship level.
    5. Action: Arnulf will pursue a cooperative MoU with OSM. Tim taking on this task
    6. Action: Arnulf to summaries direction for addressing public administration needs.
  3. Review/approval of FOSS4G2011 budget. It was approved two meetings ago, removed from agenda.
    1. GITA asking for $10k deposit for 2011 travel costs for organisers. Tyler discussed invoice. GITA reps for 2011 event had many productive talks with organisers and saw FOSS4G for the first time. Board agreed to involve the LOC/Chair to ensure it is in the agreed upon direction. Question about who made the decision for them to attend, etc. LOC just starting up, will keep in touch with them through Jeff on formal matters.
    2. MOTION: FrankW motions to refer consideration of the GITA travel expenses to the FOSS4G 2011 LOC. Tim seconded, all were in favour. Jeff to follow up.
  4. Profile FOSS4G 2010 attendees.
    1. Geoff was not here to talk to this point, but the general understanding is that we get the attendee list from 2010 and focus on particular attendees that could become sponsors of OSGeo and/or FOSS4G 2011.
    2. ACTION: Jeff to coordinate with conference committee on how to address this. Lorenzo has the data.
  5. Update on a few key focus areas: education, standards, events, industry. Tyler gave various updates on projects he's pursuing.
    1. Education: MoU with Nottingham went over really well with the broader edu community/list. The discussion eventually turned toward the idea of having a consortium programme for .edu to sign up to. Similar to other .orgs that exist. I heard from a handful of .edus that would be interested if we did have a consortium mebmership level for around $2k and would give them a venue and umbrella to work together under for getting research funding, projects, handling interships and more. lots of ideas will come as I hunt down more specifics.
    2. Standards: we already have the mou with OGC.. I had lots of talks with OGC reps in barcelona and continue to. Will get ideas around potential events and workshops we could co-brand and work on for showing success on the standards + osgeo front.
      1. ACTION: Arnulf to summarise OGC MOU for website/announcement.
    3. Events: Generally speaking there are more people (Dan Ames for example) asking about how to run and brand events around OSGeo communities. Also GITA is interested in partnering with OSGeo to cross promote FOSS4G, etc.
    4. Industry: I think there is a lot of opportunity here still, which I haven't really investigated yet. I had a few talks during foss4g with folks, but need to have more to see if there is a latent interest in developing a business focused roundtable/consortium to both help them network amongst themselves, but also to provide feedback/representation to OSGeo. Of course all the above has some tie into event possibilties too. So.. any thoughts, just let me know.
    5. All above also have some potential for raising funds, e.g. through membership levels, event fees, etc.
  6. Annual Report update PDF (Tyler). Basically pinging the board to ensure they see value in doing the report, as it takes a lot of cat-hurding to get it completed. Tyler will make one more reminder to project/committee heads directly as discuss list reminders are going unanswered. General feedback from board was that it is important for marketing, and reporting and year-to-year milestone capturing.
  7. Charter Member nomination period.
    1. ACTION: Daniel to follow up with Paul about next steps.
  8. Closing request by Tyler: I outlined my 4-5 key areas.. I would prefer to also have at least 1 board member partner on each item. Let me know!
    1. Arnulf, Jeff, Tyler to talk tomorrow about some of these.
  9. MOTION: Arnulf motioned to close the meeting, Daniel seconded, all were in favour.

NOTE: All voting was done in IRC text chat and not confirmed with voice.