Board Meeting 2013-01-17
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This board meeting is scheduled for the 17th of January 2013 at 20.00 UTC on IRC and follow up voting on Skype or by email.
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes: Board Meeting 2012-12-13
- Next Face-to-Face Board meeting
- could be full day virtual meeting instead
- Next AGM
- possibly at FOSS4G Nottingham
- FOSS4G updates
- Nottingham (sept)
- Minneapolis (may)
- Buenos Aires (april)
- Tokyo/Osaka (nov)
- Bucharest (may)
- MoU with universities - new entries and candidates (summary from Anne)
- please add items
- Decide on who to report this meeting summary to the Discuss list
- Schedule next meeting
- Logs:
- Meeting Report: TO BE SEND
- Chair: jmckenna
- Attending: jachym, FrankW, jmckenna, aghisla, mlucas
- Review and approve past minutes: Board Meeting 2012-12-13
- MOTION: aghisla moves to accept minutes, mlucas seconds. Carried
- Face-to-Face Board meeting
- Meeting will be virtual, 3 hours, using Google Hangout
- ACTION: jachym prepares doodle pool for virtual face to face meeting, jmckenna controls it.
- Annual Global Meeting
- Postponed to FOSS4G Global, Notthingham
- MOTION: jmckenna moves to hold the OSGeo Annual General Meeting during the FOSS4G Nottingham event in September. Carried
- ACTION: jmckenna to contact jo/peter to make sure they know we are confirmed
- Short info about FOSS4G-CEE status for the year 2013
- jachym reports, how things are moving for the FOSS4G-CEE for the year 2013, organized by the Bucharest team.
- There is plan, organizing FOSS4G-E (for Europe) for the year 2014
- MoU with universities, aghisla reports
- Several universities (Kathmandu, Melbourne, Kentucky, Warsaw and Mexico) asked how to establish open source geospatial labs
- aghisla is following steps, done earlyer by User:Sanand
- Other topics
- jachym notes, we should activaly popup at INSPIRE conference. jachym will try to prepare some proposal
- Next meeting
- Will be Face to face meeting, organized with help of doodle pool
- MOTION: meeting closed
Assigned Tasks
- ACTION: jachym prepares doodle pool for virtual face to face meeting, jmkenna controls it.
- ACTION: jmckenna to contact jo/peter to make sure they know we are confirmed
- MOTION: aghisla moves to accept minutes, mlucas seconds. Carried
- MOTION: jmckenna moves to hold the OSGeo Annual General Meeting during the FOSS4G Nottingham event in September. Carried