Member Meeting FOSS4GNA 2018
This member meeting is scheduled for 14 May 2018 as part of the FOSS4G-NA conference. A [bird-of-a-feather session has been reserved for Monday evening before the social ice-breaker event.
Time / Location
- Monday 2018-05-14 18:00 bird-of-feather, AV equipment will be available but is not the focus of the space
Agenda for FOSS4G NA Member Meeting
We would like to have a discussion on OSGeo topics for an hour. Afterwards we would like to invite you to the icebreaker event for a drink and continue the discussion socially.
- Welcome to OSGeo in 2018
- Diversity in our Community
- Challenges to OSGeo success in North America
- (Please add ideas to this list)
Our president is running this meeting, format may be subject to change depending on numbers attending.
About the idea of OSGeo Member Meetings
The OSGeo board would like to invite you to participate in one of the "Member Meetings" being scheduled 2018:
- OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn (Member Meeting 19. March 2018)
- FOSS4G North America
- FOSS4G Europe
- FOSS4G Dar es Salaam
- FOSS4G Asia
We would love a chance to talk with you and hope you can attend one of the above events. This is a great possibility to come together with the charter members, to discuss and to get to know each other.
At FOSS4G Europe 2017 we had a wonderful board meeting, that many members were able to attend, resulting in a great discussion. We would like to build on this experience for 2018 and invite you to a member meeting at an event near you.
Un-meeting Topics
We would like to have a discussion on OSGeo topics for about an hours. Afterwards we would like to invite you for a drink and continue the discussion socially.
Topics set by those present, ideas to consider:
- Can I have a sticker
- What is going on?
- Ways to get involved?
- What is the difference between charter members and members?
- What is expected for charter members?
- Members vs members vs members?
- Committee Health and Happiness
- What OSGeo stack do you use?
- What non OSGeo stack do you use?
- Set up new local chapter?
- OSGeo.US Update? How did it go today ...
- Difference between OSGeo and OGC?
- (Please add ideas to this list)
Our vice-president Helena is running this meeting, format may be subject to change depending on numbers attending.
Update: Following bonn member meeting example the "un-meeting" format is setup with post-it notes on a whiteboard, questions and answer format (with volunteers stepping up to answer questions).
Initial chat OSGeo discussion is back and forth:
- member driven? - opportunities arise (example from partner collaboration)