OpenLayers Incubation Status

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Has the project been approved for incubation by the OSGeo board?
Yes, it was approved in Twenty First Board Meeting.
Has an OSGeo committee member been assigned as Mentor?
Yes, Howard Butler is assigned as mentor.

Infrastructure Transition

Currently, MetaCarta hosts all of the OpenLayers project infrastructure. Although there is no particular or foreseeable reason to need to change this, it is good to have the option open.

Has the domain been populated with the project's web presence?
Is the OSGeo bug tracker being used for the project?
Is the OSGeo mailing list manager being used for the project?
Is the OSGeo SVN or CVS system being used for the project?
Are binary and source downloads available from the OSGeo download area?

Community Functioning

Is there a functioning user support mechanisms (ie. mailing list)?
Yes. OpenLayers has a developers' and a users' mailing list and a tracking system running on Trac.
Are source and binary downloads for the package available?
Yes, OpenLayers ships with complete source and a "compiled" version in the same tarball/ZIP file. Public Subversion access is also available. Furthermore, the OpenLayers library is made available in compiled form for direct use as a web API.
Has a Project Steering Committee been formed, and given control of the project?
Yes, the PSC has been functioning since before the incubation application.
Does the Project Steering Committee have documentation on project procedures for PSC decisions, contributor guidelines, etc.
Yes. The project steering rules, contributor guidelines, and release procedures are posted on the project wiki.
How many active developers are there? Are they from multiple organizations?
Currently, 24 developers have commit access either to code sandboxes or to the source trunk in the project's Subversion repository. Some of these developers work for MetaCarta, some for DM Solutions, some for Camptocamp, some are independent software developers, and so forth.

Foundation Membership

Have project documents been updated to reflect membership in the foundation, and the relationship of the project to the foundation?
"To be filled in."
Has an effort been made to brand the project web site with OSGeo foundation web styling and branding marks?
"To be filled in."

Code Copyright Review

Has a Code Provenance Review document been prepared for the project?
A document is under constructions at OpenLayers Provenance Review but is not yet complete.
Have issues raised in the provenance review been adequately addressed?
Not as yet. However, OpenLayers project policy has always been to obtain an ICLA or CCLA from all contributors before contributions are accepted. The PSC is confident that the provenance review will go smoothly as a result.