Promotion and Visibility Committee

From OSGeo
Revision as of 18:45, 20 February 2007 by Warmerdam (talk | contribs) (update trac urls.)
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This page is designed to tell you everything you need to know about VisCom and what we do.

Our Mission

The mission of the Promotion and Visibility Committee ("VisCom") is to spread word and build a strong recognition of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation, foundation projects, and the use of open source in geospatial applications in general. We do this by:

  • participating at events, tradeshows, and conferences
  • creation and use of OSGeo marketing materials (brochures, logos, etc)
  • aiding in the creation and dissemination of case studies, white papers, etc
  • outreach to other organizations, companies, group, media, etc
  • acting as supplier and shopkeeper for T-shirts and other OSGeo swag

Committee Logistics

The official committee web site is here. (This wiki is more likely to be current and accurate, however.)

The VisCom project committee consists of:

Got an idea? Interested in joining? Just let us know!

We generally meet on Wednesday at 15:00 UTC (8am PST), via conference call and on the #osgeo IRC channel.

Our meetings page: VisCom_Meetings

Our mailing list: (subscribe).

Press Releases

VisCom oversees the issuing of press releases for the Foundation (Press Release Process). Got some news you think is worthy of an OSGeo press release, or want to help translate some text? Let us know! Past press releases:

Event Coordination

VisCom is responsible the Foundation's presence tradeshows, conferences, workshops, etc. We can coordinate the booth, supply materials, arrange for speakers, etc. Please see out Event Management page for more information.

Upcoming events are listed on the Current events page.

Current To-Do List (Things We're Thinking About)

We are using trac as a task-management tool. This query will show the list of VisCom issues currently open.


An extensive library of presentations, white papers and other materials is being assembled in the VisCom library. Due to the infrastructure migration the library is currently not accessible online. If you need any materials, contact Michael Gerlek.