New Member Nominations 2018

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The Charter Member nomination (part of the Election 2018) will be open from 2018-09-24 to 2018-10-07. The list of nominees for the 2018 Charter Member Election is maintained by the Chief Returning Officer (cro at This page is write protected and can only be edited by SysOps.

To submit a charter member nomination:

  • Please confirm with the nominated person first!
  • Please email (not to with their name, contact email (if possible, use a personal email address not the work one that can change in the future) and paragraph describing why you are recommending this person as a Charter Member (please include details about the positive attributes of the nominee)
  • Also, you might want to reference their OSGeo Advocate profile.

Note for admins: simple script to scrape this page to generate meaningful lines for the electronic voting system

The list of nominees will be maintained by the CRO here:

_#_ _______Name_______ _____Country_____ Notes second Thread

1 Manuel Retamozo Argentina From: Mauricio_Miranda

would like to nominate Manuel Retamozo for Charter Member. Manuel is a one of most active developers in our community. He co-founded Geoinquietos Argentina and was member of the organizing team of FOSS4G-AR in 2013, 2016 and 2017. He is member of the development team of Argentina's SDI project and he also has worked in many different government organizations spreading the Open Source and Open Data philosophy. Following this path, he has given many different trainings and workshop all around the country about FOSS4G tools. In my opinion, he would be a great Charter Member.Cheers,

2 Malena Libman Argentina From: Alex Mandel

Malena is a long time member of the OSGeo (Geoinquietos Argentina), Foss4g Argentina, and OSM communities in Argentina including GeochicasOSM. She recently represented the Argentina Chapter at FOSS4G 2018, and joined the OSGeo Marketing Committee.

Malena is a student at National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), studying to get a degree in Geographic Information Systems. She has taught workshops on FOSS4G topics, works on Spatial Data Infrastructure at SEGEMAR, the national geological institute, and participates in IDERA, the National Spatial Data Infrastructure in Argentina.

3 Horacio Castellaro Argentina From: Veronica Andreo

Horacio is a very active member of the local communities of Geoinquiet@s and OSM Argentina. He has been one of the organizers of the FOSS4G Argentina editions and has taught workshops, seminars and webinars, always fostering the use and development of FOSS4G.

He is deeply involved in the Argentinian SDI (IDERA) and has been director of the Geospatial Information Area at the National Geographic Institute (IGN). At present, he is coordinating the GIS Development area in Buenos Aires city government.

I believe Horacio is a very valuable asset for the OSGeo family.

4 Selene Yang Nicaragua From: Veronica Andreo

Selene is co-founder and coordinator of  Geochicas, a gender focused group in the OpenStreetMap community and FOSS4G. She has also been involved in the organization of different FOSS4G related activities like conferences, meetings, workshops. She is currently enrolled in a PhD in Communication. Her research focuses in the necessity of having inclusive communities and gender focused open geospatial data. She also helps with outreach activities through publications on the Geochicas accounts and the media. In all, I believe Selene is a great asset in the community.

5 John Bryant Australia From: Cameron Shorter

He is currently chairing the FOSS4G Oceania regional conference, being run in Australia in November. This conference has already exceeded expectations regarding level of sponsorship, interest, and we are expecting to exceed expected attendance. This is in a large part due to the passion and dedication of the organising committee, which John is playing an excellent leadership role in. This builds upon prior years of experience using and promoting OSGeo software within local advocacy groups, as well as attending international foss4g events.

I find John to be insightful, encouraging of new users, practical in implementation, someone who has indicated that he is going to be involved in OSGeo for the long haul.

I've communicated with John about officially joining OSGeo as a charter member, and he has indicated that he'd be keen to join and contribute further.

6 Alex Leith Australia From: Cameron Shorter

Alex was instrumental in setting up the new FOSS4G SotM Oceania

Committee, and is the program lead for their inaugural conference event, which is to be held in November in Melbourne, Australia. Alex attended his first FOSS4G in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, in 2018. Additionally, Alex has been a user of open source software for many years, including geospatial applications. Alex participates in providing bug reports and feedback in project forums, and has a number of small pull requests accepted into significant open source projects, like MapBoxGL-Draw.

I've communicated with Alex about officially joining OSGeo as a charter member, and he has indicated that he'd be keen to join and contribute further.

7 Cayetano Benavent Spain From: Daniel Kastl

Cayetano is from Spain and joined the pgRouting project some time ago. He has since then become a very active community member and contributor, representing the project and Open Source GIS at conferences and as a mentor of Google Summer of Code. I'm sure, that Cayetano would be an excellent charter member and representative for OSGeo.

8 Alexander Kotsev Bulgaria From: Marco Minghini

Alex has been working with open source geospatial technology for over 10 years.He has been teaching GISciensce courses since 2004 at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria and has since then extensively been using FOSS4G technology. In the period 2004-2008 he maintained a GRASS mirror at the University of Sofia. Following a Fulbright senior scholarship at the Ohio State University in 2011, he joined the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC) as a Scientific Officer. He is involved in activities with INSPIRE, citizen science and interoperable sensors. For all these activities he is extensively using FOSS4G. He is active in promoting the use of FOSS within the European Commission. In addition, he is delivering regular training on Spatial Data Infrastructures that are based on the OSGeoLive.Alex has contributed to

OSGeo and FOSS4G events at the European and national level with talks, workshops and presentations. He also contributed some documentation to the latest version of the OSGeoLive (and is already planning his contributions to the next one!)

I am sure the OSGeo family would greatly benefit from his inclusion as a Charter Member.

9 Mike Saunt UK From: Steven Feldman

Mike is the founder and MD of Astun Technology. For over 10 years he has been an advocate for open source geo, he has embedded the principals of openness within his company and has been an active supporter, sponsor and contributor to OSGeo both financially and by encouraging/supporting his staff in contributing their time to OSGeo projects, events and activities. Astun under Mike’s leadership is an exemplar of the OSGeo ecosphere.

10 Adam Steer Australia From: Cameron Shorter

Adam has been actively involved in organising the FOSS4G Oceania conference coming to Australia in November 2018. Particularly impressive to me has been his energy and commitment, playing leadership roles in setting up our Travel Grant Program, contributing to our ""Good Mojo"" program, leading the development of our Child Friendly Policy and being a strong advocate for diversity. He has attended and contributed to international FOSS4G events since 2016, including acting as a presenter, workshop facilitator and his small company has been a sponsor. He has recently joined OSGeo's marketing committee and has made small contributions to PDAL and PyWPS.

He has connections across government, industry and academia, and sees himself supporting the goals and outputs of the OSgeo foundation for many years to come.

11 Guillaume Pasero France From: Manuel Grizonnet

Guillaume is a one of most active developers of the ORFEO ToolBox for many years now and also an occasional contributor to OSSIM, OSGeo-Live, GDAL and QGIS.

Guillaume has a very high expertise in geospatial image processing and remote sensing and more generally in the OSGeo ecosystems.

He also share his expertise by helping users on mailing lists and other channels. Following this path, he has given different trainings and workshops related to remote sensing image processing with OSGeo tools. He is also a great advocate of free and open-source software.

In my opinion, he would be a great Charter Member.

12 Marie Anna Baovola Madagascar From: Maëlle Vercauteren

Baovola is very passionate and an active promoter of FOSS4G (particularly Mapbender, PostGIS/PostgreSQL and PgModeler) and OSGeo, notably in Africa. As reminder, she has established the new OSGeo Madagascar Chapter during the FOSS4G 2018 [1]. She works at the National Geographic and Hydrographic Institute of Madagascar as an Information System Officer.

I believe Baovola is a very valuable asset for the OSGeo family.

13 Simon Georget France From: Nicolas Roelandt

Simon is part of OSGeo local chapter here, in France, and fully participate to its activities. He is responsible of the OSGeo-fr non profit infrastructure (website, services) and he invest a lot in OSGeo-fr activities and especially FOSS4G-fr organisation. Simon was also a valuable member of the FOSS4G Europe 2017 LOC. He also promotes FOSS4G in his day job and is the developer of the free software tool Linea21 [1].

14 Kristian Evers Denmark From: Even Rouault

It is my pleasure to nominate Kristian Evers (Denmark) for OSGeo charter membership. Kristian has been one of the primary contributors of PROJ in the last two years and has taken the stick of PROJ Project Steering Committee leader, successfully releasing several versions, including PROJ 5.0, bringing a lot of new capabilities to the library and all downstream projects. Kristian has presented the project in a number of meetings, in particular to the 3rd QGIS Conference in Nødebo, or more recently at FOSS4G-Europe 2018. He also plays as an advocate trying to convince the geodetic community and national mapping agencies across the world to use PROJ and the rest of the OSGeo software stack.

15 Matt Travis UK From: Jo Cook

Matt has been quietly supporting OSGeo, and in particular QGIS, in UK local government for a number of years now. He has been involved in helping to run various events, including FOSS4G 2013, and our FOSS4GUK events in 2016 and 2018. He regularly organises QGIS User Group meetings too. He has also recently taken over as the Treasurer of OSGeo:UK. To my mind he's exactly the sort of person we want as a Charter Member!

16 V Rajesh Chowdhary Thailand From: Ravi Kumar

Dr V Rajesh Chowdhary has more than 7 years of experience in the field of Remote Sensing & GIS. He has obtained his doctorate in Remote Sensing & GIS from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand and worked for three years as Research Associate. Currently, he is serving as Associate Professor at International Institute of Information Technology, Pune. He has obtained his Master and Bachelor degree from International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Pune, India and Jawaharlal Technological University Kakinada, India respectively. His research interest includes RS&GIS application in Urban Planning & Management, Urban Disaster Risk Reduction & Management, Forest Carbon Stock, Ionospheric Modelling, Space Weather, GNSS, Web GIS, and Open GIS. His key research projects includes, Research on ionospheric Scintillations in Asia (RISA) using GNSS, 2011- 2014 and Local ionospheric scintillation analysis (LISA) using GNSS stations in Thailand, 2014-2016 respectively, funded by US AOARD (United States Asian Office of Aerospace Research & Development) and Collaborative Research for the Regional Forum on Climate Change on the topic “Developing new methods to monitor forest carbon in Asian tropical forests” 2016 – 2018. He has conducted various workshops and trainings on Geoinformatics across India and Thailand for academic & professional bodies.

  • Advocate page missing
17 Peddada Jagadeeswara Rao India From: Ravi Kumar

Prof P.Jagadeeswara Rao, of the Geoengineering Department, is a well known GIS expert of Andhra University. Prof P.Jagadeeswara Ra conducted several well attended events with OSGeo software at Andhra University. His skills include, GIS for Environmental Impact Assessment of Water Resources and Hydrologic and Water Resource Modelling and Simulation. His research items and citations are elaborated in the link below. [1]

From: [[ | Ramamurthy Soma]]

Prof Rao is from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India and promoting the cause of OSGEO with active participation.

I find him fit for all requisite attributes of a Charter member.

  • Advocate page missing
18 Fernando Quadro Brazil From: Jody Garnett

I would like to nominate Fernando Quadro for his contributions to the GeoServer community in South America. Fernando has been (and remains) actively building this community and is responsible for translating project announcements for the region - indeed his blog is featured on for some time (and gathers far more discussion then our project blog).

I won't pretend to know all that Fernando has done but I would like to recognize his contributions and value to the osgeo community with a nomination.

19 Ariel Anthieni Argentina From: Mauricio Miranda

Ariel is a very active member in our local community and also in the spanish speaking local chapter. He is one of the founders of Geoinquietos Argentina, has been involved in all our local events and served as chairman at the FOSS4G-AR 2016. He has played a very important role at the national SDI project in Argentina, mainly leading the metadata team. I'm completely sure he would be a wonderful asset for OSGeo.