Board Meeting 2018-12-17
This board meeting is scheduled for the 17th of December 2018 at 19:00 - 21:00 UTC, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.
This is a F2F video meeting happening on
Current items
Items in italic are recurring at each meeting.
Note that this meeting is limited to 2 hours, and has as a priority on boarding our new board members.
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Premeeting discussion
- No update from conference committee, perhaps next meeting?
- Election update? Ask for CRO to attend next meeting ...
- Review and approve past minutes
- Review actions from previous meeting
- TODO28 Write news item to welcome new community projects - blocked on name clarification
- TODO25 OGC CITE renewal
- TODO29 Compile a list of volunteers to contact projects for budget 2019 - blocked on draft OSGeo_Budget_2019 page
- Welcome new board members
- Approve payment from marketing committee
- Marketing committee lacks a chair, requires president to step in to authorize contract payment
- F2F Meeting Discussion
- When?
- Discussion on appointment of new officers
- 2019 Planning
- This helps shape our email to projects and committee ahead of draft budget
- Helps kick off a priority discussion on the board email list, which will set our board spending priorities ahead of draft budget
- add your items here
- On boarding - See Board of Directors/OnboardingChecklist
- Chair:
- Scribe:
- add present members here