Board Meeting 2021-06-28
Revision as of 02:03, 16 August 2021 by Astrid emde (talk | contribs)
This board meeting is scheduled Monday 28 June 2021 at 15:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.
Current items
- roll call
- Review and approve past minutes
- Accept the Mesh Data Abstraction Layer (MDAL) Project as an OSGeo Community Project
- Update on FOSS4G 2021
- AGM planning - Annual_General_Meeting_2021
- OSGeo - HOT MOU review
- Update on the GSoC Org Stipend From the OSGeo GSoC Admin Team
- NumFocus/GDAL update
- Presiding: Till
- Scribing: Till
- Attending: Angelos, Helena, Codrina, Vicky, Michele, Michael, Till, Tom (8 of 9), Astrid (later)
- Guests: Maria (FOSS4G 2021), Ariel Antheni (FOSS4G 2021), Rajat (GSoC)
Review and approve past minutes
- Board_Meeting_2021-05-31
- Motion passed on Loomio:
Accept the Mesh Data Abstraction Layer (MDAL) Project as an OSGeo Community Project
- Motion passed on Loomio:
Update on FOSS4G 2021
Maria and Ariel (FOSS4G 2021) report:
- FOSS4G Shop - If board agrees Maria will open a new FOSS4G shop and money goes directly to OSGeo. Nobody knows where money for old shop goes to
- AGM Booked 1h for AGM, early in the morning
- ACTION: Requests a video from Angelos about OSGeo (10 Minutes) for the opening.
- Venueless will be used
- Anita needs access to OSgeo bank acccount (PayPal), Micheal to do
- Maria informs about status of programme, etc.
- Board will receive codes for registration soon
- Maria gives summary of the budget
- Maria requests if board agrees on offering reduced tickets, that may reduce the outcome
- Board agrees
AGM planning - Annual_General_Meeting_2021
- Request for small videos and merge them together (projects, local chapters)
- ACTION: Astrid and Angelos to make draft for the email, Angelos to send out
- ACTION: Astrid to ask Volker Mische
- OSGeo has a time slot
- needs to be figured out in next meeting (July)
- Vicky offers to cut the videos together
OSGeo - HOT MOU review
- Angelos added it to agenda, email form Miriam and review the document
- ACTION: Helena to copy the document to the WIKI (done)
- approve on next meeting
NumFocus/GDAL update
- Mike and Angelos joined the NumFocus/GDAL meeting
- document uploaded in the nextcloud to be reviewed by board members
Update on the GSoC Org Stipend From the OSGeo GSoC Admin Team
- Rajat send an email to participating organizations
- 12 students will participate this year
- Rajat asks what to do with the money google pays (400 US $)
- GSoc will be able to present wotk on FOSs4G 2021, thanks FOSS4G 2021 team
- Maria asks emails of participants in order to be able to add them as speakers
- Board approves that projects can claim for the money and do what they want with it (to be better formulated by Helena and put on Loomio as a motion)
- motion passed during meeting
- meeting was on jitsi