New Member Nominations 2007
This page will be used to post new nominees for OSGeo Charter Membership. Names will be added to this page as they are received by email. Current Charter Members are listed here. Information about the role and responsibilities of all levels of membership are here.
Nominations must be sent to the Chief Returning Office address: [1] Please include:
- Subject: Nomination
- full name of the nominee
- email address and phone number of nominee, if known
- short paragraph describing why you are nominating them. Please refer to New Membership Process for a list of Positive Attributes for new charter members.
- you are allowed to nominate yourself
Nominations will be accepted from May 25 - June 3.
The CRO (Tyler) will contact the nominees directly to verify their willingness to be nominated and then move them into the Confirmed List
Nominee List
Nominations will be filed under these three categories. After all nominees are confirmed or declined, then voting will be done based on the names listed in the Confirmed section.
This section is where every nominee starts, until the CRO confirms they are willing to run.
- Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
- Dr. S. N. Prasad
- Patrick Brown
- Professor Rongguo Chen
- Adrian Custer
- Simone Giannecchini
- Till Adams
This is the final list that will be used for voting
- Aaron Racicot
- Yewondwossen Assefa
- Christopher Schmidt
- Lorenzo Becchi
- Tom Kralidis
- Josh Livni
- Daniel Ames
- Dr. Markus Müller
- Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- Patrick Cunningham
- Mateusz Łoskot
- David Bitner
- Victor Minor
- Landon Blake
- John Graham
- Dr K. S. Rajan
- Charlie Schweik
- Dr. Georg Loesel
This section is for nominees who have declined to run in the election.
- Sean Gillies