OSGeo UK Meetup May 2008
Revision as of 07:52, 23 April 2008 by Wiki-Mcayland (talk | contribs)
What | A local gathering of open source geospatial users or newbies. |
When | Thursday, May 1st, 2008 -- 4:30-7:00 pm |
Where | London Stansted Airport, Radisson SAS Hotel (map) |
Why | Meeting room donated by OSGeo Sponsor, 1Spatial, during their annual conference. Holds up to 50 people. |
Who | You? Interested in helping present, demo an application or join the event? Add your name to the list below. |
- OSGeo Introduction - Tyler Mitchell
- Open Source geospatial tools and interoperability research - Suchith Anand, University of Nottingham
- Getting Open Source tools to the masses- the Portable GIS approach- Jo Cook
- Steve Coast (title to be confirmed)
- Archaeological Site Catchment Analysis with FOSS - Jason Jorgenson, University of Liverpool
Want to help organise the event? Add your name here so you can follow the development of this page:
- Moderator: Jo Cook, Oxford Archaeology, helping organise the event, more helpers are welcome!
- Tyler Mitchell, I will be attending the 1Spatial event and hoping to meet more local OSGeo people. I'll gladly provide an OSGeo overview talk and answer more general questions during discussion. (I'm also interested in any suggestions for other companies or organisations in the UK who might want to meet outside of this meeting time, one-on-one.)
- Jason Jorgenson --> Willing to do whatever I can to help organize the event!
- Chris Puttick Whatever is needed that I can fit in to my day...
- Suchith Anand [1]- Centre for Geospatial Science, University of Nottingham - Willing to help with organising and promotion of the event
Planning to attend? Please add your name and organisation so meeting planners will know there is interest.
- Jo Cook
- Tyler Mitchell
- Jason Jorgenson
- Andrew Larcombe
- Mike Saunt
- Chris Puttick
- Anthony Beck
- Bill Wilcox
- Suchith Anand
- Jonathan Gray, The Open Knowledge Foundation
- Rob Newnham
- Simon Abele
- Barry Rowlingson - any chance of a lift down from Lancaster?
- Steve Coast (OpenStreetMap)
- Mark Cave-Ayland (Sirius Corporation)
Nearby accommodations for those wanting to stay overnight.
- One site listing nearby options: http://stansted.airporthotelguide.com/airporthotels.html
- The Radisson are offering a discounted price for attendees- please mention that you are attending the 1Spatial Conference to take advantage of this