FOSS4G 2009 Meeting 2008-08-29 (Venue/Date selection )
Organising Committee Meeting held on Friday 29 August 2008
- At Tour Hosts offices:
- Committee (OC): Cameron Shorter (CS)
- Tour Hosts (TH): Denisa Adamova, Janelle Driscoll, Kirsty O’Brien, Andrew Durbridge
- Via teleconference: Shoaib Burq (SB), Dave Patton (DP), Bruce Bannerman (BB), Jeff McKenna (JM), Harley Press, Simon Hope
Apologies: Tyler Mitchell (TM), Tim Bowden (TB) , Chris Tweedie (CT), Markus Lupp (ML), Mark Leslie (ML)
Venue and Conference Dates
- TH is investigating the option of having the exhibition in the Parkside foyer rather than hiring Exhibition Halls. This would reduce the venue cost. TH to confirm once floor plan approved.
- If choosing the SCEC, additional costs of $33.50 pre person would be added to the registration fee for each delegate (this does not reflect accommodation costs).
- OC confirmed that the SCEC is a better location for the Conference.
- For the moment SCEC is the preference. But we need to look at accommodation options and dates at both venues.
- TH to send the list of accommodation options to the OC.
- TH to look into alternative venue options.
- TH to contact SCEC about other alternative dates.
- CS to send an e-mail the OSGeo list asking people about preferred dates for the Conference.
- TH/OC would like to have the venue and date confirmed by Friday 7 August.
Sponsorship and Exhibition
- Jeff McKenna and Bruce Bannerman will have a lead role in Sponsorship and Exhibition.
- OC is happy with the sponsorship hierarchy and target.
- It was decided that private information (including the Sponsorship and Exhibition Document) should be sent using the foss4g-private e-mail address rather then the private wiki.
- TH to draft the Sponsorship and exhibition document. This document will include the entitlements of each package and the number of packages available.
- Dave confirmed that he can help with converting pages of the website to PHP.
- TH to convert the website to HTML.
- TH to reply to OC comments on the wiki website page.
- TH to update the website with the comments the OC has provided and resend the test link.
FOSS4G 2008 Promotion
- TH staff may be attending the FOSS4G 2008 conference to look at the technical and logistical parts of the Conference. To be discussed further at the budget meeting on Wednesday.
- It was suggested that an Jeff McKenna will be in charge of promoting FOSS4G 2009 to sponsors, exhibitors and delegates at the FOSS4G 2008 Conference.
- Confirmed Australian attendees: Chris Tweedie, Tim Bowden or Ben. CS to contact all of them and confirm their attendance.
- JM will contact the 2008 conference organisers to organise for postcards promoting FOSS4G 2009 to be in the delegate satchels as well as advertising the 2009 conference in either/ both the opening and closing ceremony.
- TH will produce a pull up banner to advertise FOSS4G 2009. This will be placed at the OSGeo exhibition stand.
- TH to produce session slides and a video advertising FOSS4G 2009 to be played at either or both the opening and closing ceremony.
- TH to send an e-mail to the foss4g2009- private list to set up a budget meeting. It was suggested that Dave Patton, Paul Ramsey, Cameron Shorter and Bruce Bannerman should attend the meeting. (tentative date Wednesday 3 September at 9.00am)
- TH will go through the budget in detail during this meeting.
- After the budget meeting TH to update the budget and circulate the budget via the foss4g2009- private list for further comment.
Use of the Wiki and IRC
- All agendas, to do lists and action notes to be posted on wiki not sent around in e-mails.
- There is a FOSS4G IRC channel that can be used for meeting reminders
- Agendas to be placed on wiki at least 4 days prior to the meeting date.
Project Plan and Program Timeline
- TH to add a link to wiki with the Project Plan and Program Timeline.
Next Meeting
- TH to send around suggested dates for all meetings in 2008.