FOSS4G 2009 Press Release 42
Distributation: foss4g presenters _DRAFT_
Please check links to your FOSS4G presentation and video are correct
Sydney, Australia. 2 December 2009.
FOSS4G presenters, Before we send a press release announcing the availability of FOSS4G presentations and videos, could you please verify and correct the reference to your FOSS4G presentation and video at: TBD
Add your name to the verified column when you have finished.
We have uploaded all the FOSS4G presentations that we are aware of onto OSGeo servers and next we will update our websites from the speadsheet above. We are aware that there are a number of inconsistancies, as our update process involved flawed manual and automated steps.
If your presentation is still not loaded, could you please:
- Email your presentation to TBD, including Title, Presenter, Day, Time, Room, and attach the presentation.
- Update the spreadsheet above with the correct information.
About FOSS4G
FOSS4G is the international Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial conference, which comes to Sydney, Australia, 20-23 October 2009. FOSS4G offers presentations, workshops, demos, an install-fest, and a code sprint. It is presented by the world's best Developers, Policy Makers, Sponsors and Geospatial Professionals and includes the latest geospatial applications, standards, government programs, business processes and case studies. Topics include mobile platforms, location based applications, crowd sourcing, cloud computing, development, spatial standards, integration of cross-agency data, Spatial Data Infrastructures, Sensor Webs, Web Processing Services, Integration of Open Source and Proprietary Software and more.
Media Sponsors
- Position Magazine:
- Asian Surveying and Mapping Newsletter:
- Geoconnexions Magazine:
- Directions Magazine:
- GIS Development:
- Baliz Media:
- Slashgeo: