Calgary IG
return to Alberta Chapter
This page containes information on the activities of the Calgary FOSGIS interest group (IG) / Local Chapter.
Meeting April 2010
The mindmap on the right summarizes what we talked about on the meeting, i.e.:
- finding objectives of the group (i.e. forming a mission statement)
- define what we don't want
- discuss further meetings
Meeting June 2010
- First Stefan Steiniger talked for about an hour on state of FOS desktop GIS. This talk was actually his OGRS 2009 conference talk.
- A copy of those slides is available here
- Then we discussed how we continue with the groups objectives. We looked for instance on the Mission Statements of the OSGeo Chapters of BC, Quebec and Ontario (see the We agreed here that we keep working on a mission statement - but will probably wait 2-3 more meetings until we figured what each of us does and is interested in. However we already identified three main points of interest:
- Alberta geodata
- free GIS tools in Oil & Gas & Energy
- GIS software n general
- We also agreed that it may be useful to setup a member list. Stefan created a new wiki page for that, see OSGeo Alberta Members
Resources / Projects
in progress
- our email list:
- If you have suggestions or comments or anything else, please write us:
- Stefan Steiniger - ssteinig[-at-] - (Geography Dept., UofC)
- Andrew Hunter - ahunter[-at-] - (Geomatics Dept., UofC)