Mapbender at ProjectsVM
- 2010-08-02 not set up yet, document needs review
- User:Astrid Emde (
- Christoph Baudson
- Arnulf Christl
- Uli Rothstein
- Michael Schulz
- Verena Diewald
- kmq
Services on this Blade
- Mapbender
- PostgreSQL/PostGIS
- every Mapbender version is presented on this server
- if you need root access to the demo mapbender ask the participants (see above)
- the home for the Mapbender packages is: /var/www/html/mapbender/
- the update of the mapbender version is done by svn
- we offer a portal function so user can login and try the applications
- as adminstrative database we use PostgreSQl/PostGIS
- we added an ALIAS for each Mapbender versions:
How to setup the current mapbender version
Mapbender Database
- use the
- take the last version as template (check the guis first - everything still allright?)
- (postgis_template)
directory and svn checkout
cd /var/www/html/mapbender sudo bash mkdir mapbender_2.5 svn co /var/www/html/mapbender/mapbender_2.5/ -- for update use: svn up /var/www/html/mapbender/mapbender_2.5/ chown apache /var/www/html/mapbender/mapbender_2.5/log chown apache /var/www/html/mapbender/mapbender_2.5/http/tmp rm -r /var/www/html/mapbender/mapbender_2.5/http/tools
add the alias to Apache httpd.conf
vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Alias /mapbender_2.5 /var/www/html/mapbender/mapbender_2.5/http/
restart Apache
/usr/sbin/apachectl configtest /usr/sbin/apachectl graceful
create mapbender.conf and configure it
cp /var/www/html/mapbender/mapbender_2.5/mapbender.conf-dist /var/www/html/mapbender/mapbender_2.5/mapbender.conf
- if possible use the Mapbender database which is already in use with the older Mapbender Verson
- vor Mapbender 2.5 I (AE) had to create a new Mapbender database (mapbender_2.5)
create the symbolic link current_release with ln -s ...
- drop current symbolic link
rm /var/www/html/mapbender/current_release
- create it again with path to actual mapbender version
ln -s /var/www/html/mapbender/mapbender_2.5 /var/www/html/mapbender/current_release
create new link in html start page index.html
vim /var/www/html/mapbender/index.html