GvSIG GSoC 2011 Ideas
gvSIG Desktop
Import / Export data from Epanet
Proposed mentor: Francisco José Peñarrubia
The idea is to define a layer model suitable to be exported to Epanet's .inp file, and a geoprocess to export this model to Epanet. So, we will need to define pipes, wells, valves, depots and so on in gvSIG, analize connectivity and then export to Epanet. From Epanet, to analyze and modify the network and then export the network again to gvSIG. So, the main tasks are: Define layer model , Create a geoprocess exporter to .INP , Create a geoprocess importer back to gvSIG .
Proposed mentor: Pablo Sanxiao
- Migrating NavTable to gvSIG 2.0: This includes a good separation between interface and data access.
- Making NavTable will be able to modify the table schema: it would be possible to add, erase and modify attributes, its order, the visibility and alias for the field name.
- New attribute table based on NavTable: Creating a new gvSIG's attribute table based on NavTable to view data all together as in te current one but included the NavTable features of navigation, selection, filtered, etc... and some new improvements.
Integration of GGL2 into gvSIG
Proposed mentor: Fernando González Cortés
The next version of Gearscape Geoprocessing Language (GGL2) consists of a full featured programming language with common constructions to process spatial data easily and independently of their format, location and internal structure (either flat tabular files, hierarchical xml files or full database schemas).
The soon to be published GearScape version detaches the language from the GearScape user interface so that it is possible to integrate it with other GIS applications. The integration of GGL2 in gvSIG will provide gvSIG users with a powerful scripting language and GGL users with a powerful client to visualize their results.
There are some GGL2 videos available.
gvSIG Mobile
gvSIG Mini
gvSIG Mini is a free tiled map viewer for Android with support for OSM, WMS, WMS-C, TMS, other non-standard tile servers, routing, localization, etc. and now offline support for searching and visualize POIs and addresses.
gvSIG Mini is currently being developed by Prodevelop and other contributors.
We are open to new ideas!
Add support to vector data formats
Proposed mentor: Alberto Romeu (melange id: alrocar)
gvsig-gpe is a library for reading and writing data in GML format, through the use of events. It does not depend on any geometry data model, providing the raw data to the application. Initially developed for the GML format, it supports the registration of readers and writers for any other formats, like KML and GPX.
The student should study the gvsig-gpe library and build the connectors necessary to allow gvSIG Mini consume the library. The application should be able to read/parse files in GPX format and KML format, convert the data into the gvSIG Mini geometries model (points, lines and polygons) and draw the information on a new layer.
Design and implement an API for tiled vectorial support of geo-location services
Proposed mentor: Alberto Romeu (melange id: alrocar)
Currently there are plenty of services that provide geo-located data: Twitter, Buzz, Panoramio, Flickr, Wikipedia, YouTube, LastFM, Minube, Foursquare, etc. All of them have things in common (Use of a REST API, GeoJSON as a format for responses, ...) and several different behaviours.
The idea is to provide gvSIG Mini with a simple API to support that kind of services. The API will offer transparent support to load a geo-located service, make requests as the user navigates the map, cache data (into memory and disk) to boost the data-load, and build the user interfaces to show extra data, such as additional info, media (images, video), etc.