Board Meeting 2006 06 30
The 13th board meeting has been scheduled for the 30th of Jun at 15:00 UTC (fixedtime), by phone and IRC (#osgeo) at the same time.
From Skype call : +99038275318640
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From the US: call # 1-419-753-7120 (free, long distance costs apply). From the UK: call # 0870-119-2350 (10p/minute).
Your Conference Room Number is: 5318640.
- Appoint meeting secretary
- Review and approve prior meeting minutes
- Review and approve Proposed Membership Rules.
- Review and approve Local Chapter Guidelines (still being drafted).
- Review draft budget from face to face meetings, and hopefully approve. (see f2f minutes) and Budget 2006-2007
- Consider budget/timescale for hiring an OSGeo Executive Director
On Jun 23, 2006, at 8:00 am Pacific time, pursuant to notice duly given, the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (the "Foundation" or "OSGeo") held a meeting by teleconference. The meeting lasted 40 minutes.
Present at the meeting were the following members of the Board: Frank Warmerdam, Mark Lucas, DaveMcIlhagga, Jo Walsh, Chris Holmes, Arnulf Christl, Gary Lang, and Markus Neteler. Also present at the request of the Board were Andrew Kelly and Auke Jildera of the Community Management team. All participants on the call indicated that they could hear one another. Additionally, Internet Relay Chat was used for backup purposes (#osgeo on Mr. Warmerdam was appointed chairperson of the meeting. Finding a quorum present, Mr. Warmerdam called the meeting to order. Jo Walsh was appointed secretary of the meeting.
The Board first approved by general consent the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd June 2006.
work in progress
membership guidelines - everyone hapy chris moves to adopt, mark moves to adopt, everyone +1 we discuss guidelines - they havent got the edit work arnulf wants to overhaul them, turn into a more organised doc, ping the board and propose a proper guideline next week. budget item Frank suggests -> dicsuss priorities - does gary agree ifgood idea gary think range make sense chris points out some stuff easier to sell than others e.g. binary stack directly sponsorted, run as a project frank made a great budget - it doesnt completely effect the f2f consideration? the minimum number isn't as small in the range gary like number - thinks is good - chris and frank doubt it OTT - some consideration as to 'negotiating' having this number in the clear markus joins call
frank moves to adopt budget, chris+1 everyone approves hooray!
ED item i talk DM points out that one needs to spend money to make it
- weep*
mlucas leaves call so this involves fundraising for 3 months salary minimum FrankW would like to make announcement by Sept. What are priorities for FunCom to raise for Dave agrees chris, jo agree w/ dave arnulf frank wonders about arnulf's priorities on board-priv list - groups to approach funcom should be dealing with this - has a meeting this Thurs. issues re. public/private discussions - funcom needs a priv list? - frank in favour of largely-private conduct @sometimes we have to be closed@ arnulf gary feedback from recent conf. +ve noises DM talks about canadian gov people -NRCAN - data sharing + curriculum dev AOB?
gary motions to close, arnulf +1