IslandWood Code Sprint 2012
This is OSGeo's 4th annual "North American Codesprint" -- a time to bring members of OSGeo-related projects together to make decisions and tackle larger problems.
Previous event have been held in Toronto (2009), New York City (2010), and Montreal (2011).
February 5-9, 2012.
The event will be begin on Feb 5th (Sunday night arrival), span three full days of sprinting, and end after lunch on the 9th (Thursday).
It will be held at IslandWood, a nonprofit retreat center located on Bainbridge Island, an island a few miles west of Seattle in the northwest United States.
Rushing in where angels fear to tread, Michael P. Gerlek (mpg) is taking the lead on this event. CUGOS, the local OSGeo chapter, is the hosting organization.
Local volunteers assisting include:
- Michael Rosen (LizardTech / CUGOS)
- Aaron Racicot (Z-Pulley Inc / CUGOS)
- <add your name here!>
The Montreal sprint had ten $750 sponsors. We expect to have a similar number this year.
If you think you know of a possible sponsor, or if you are a possible sponsor, contact Michael P. Gerlek (
Details to come, but expected costs include:
- facilities rental (conference rooms, etc)
- lodging (on-campus rooms)
- meals
We expect to cover costs in three ways:
- sponsorships
- participant registration fees
- surplus from previous years (approximately $2K)
Participant Costs
Participants will be responsible for paying their own transportation to and from IslandWood. In addition, participants will be expected to cover only the costs of 4 nights lodging (single room at IslandWood): US$525. (Note that food costs and venue costs are covered by the sponsorts, and there is no registration fee beyond the $525 for lodging.)
Contact to register.
IslandWood has an excellent on-site restaurant/cafeteria that emphasizes local, sustainable, and organic cuisine.
- Breakfast: continental style
- Lunch: boxed lunches
- Dinner: full meal, choice of entrees, beer/wine available
- Snacks: coffee, fruit, cookies, etc, will be provided in the meeting room
Accomodation can be made for any dietary restrictions.
All planning will take place on this wiki, on the tosprint mailing list, and on the #tosprint IRC channel.
These are the projects will be working on:
- MapServer
- PostGIS
- TinyOWS
- <add your project here!>
If you want to come, please add your name (and project(s)) here and indicate either "I'm interested, but won't know for sure until closer to the time" or "I'll definitely be there, and would be willing to pay the registration fee in advance"
- Michael P. Gerlek (Flaxen Geo) -- libLAS/PDAL -- definite
- Michael D. Smith (US Army Corps) -- libLAS/PDAL/MapServer/GDAL -- definite/can pay in advance
- Frank Warmerdam (Google) -- tentative
- Daniel Morissette (Mapgears) -- MapServer, GDAL/OGR -- definite
- Craig Miller (SpatialMinds) -- MapGuideOS (possibly), QGIS (possibly) -- 98% -- Have some things to work out. May add another project to the list in upcoming months.
- Paul Ramsey (OpenGeo) -- PostGIS -- definite/can pay in advance
- Jeff McKenna (GatewayGeomatics) -- MapServer -- tentative
- Olivier Courtin (Oslandia) -- TinyOWS, PostGIS -- definite/can pay in advance
- Howard Butler (Hobu, Inc.) -- libLAS/PDAL -- definite/can pay in advance
- Aaron Racicot (Z-Pulley Inc.) -- QGIS, Mapserver -- definite/can pay in advance
- Dane Springmeyer (Development Seed) -- Mapnik, TileMill -- definite/can pay in advance
- Michael Rosen (Lizardtech) -- gdal/pdal -- definite/can pay in advance
- Eli Adam -- GeoMoose -- Interested, dependent on availability of other GeoMoose members
- Chris Hodgson (Refractions) -- PostGIS -- tentative
Note that once registration is open, it will be **first come, first served**. Space is limited, so those who pay first will be at the front of the line.
Still tentative, something like this:
- arrival throughout the day
- perhaps dinner provided
- continental breakfast
- sprint all morning
- boxed lunch
- sprint all afternoon
- group sit-down dinner
- evening open/social time at the lodges
- continental breakfast
- sprint all morning
- boxed lunch
- sprint all afternoon
- group sit-down dinner
- evening open/social time at the lodges
- continental breakfast
- sprint all morning
- boxed lunch
- sprint all afternoon
- group sit-down dinner
- evening open/social time at the lodges
- departures throughout the day
- continental breakfast
- perhaps lunch provided
Non-sprint Activities
There will be one formal (but optional) "team building / outdoor fun" event, run for us by the IslandWood staff. Details TDB. Dress appropriately. The event will likely be 2-3 hours, before dinner on either Tuesday or Wednesday.
IslandWood offers lots of trails, ponds, etc, for informal walks / jogs / etc you can explore at any time on your own.
There will likely also be an informal walk down to the beach (2-3 miles, off campus), hosted by mpg.
Getting to IslandWood is a 4-step process -- but don't panic, it's actually not as complicated as it sounds:
(1) To SeaTac Airport
Participants will be responsible for getting themselves to the Seattle airport.
(2) From Airport to Seattle Ferry dock
From SeaTac, you will need to get to the Colman ferry dock in downtown Seattle. Two options:
- a ~$40 cab ride, from airport to dock
- a ~$3 light rail from airport, followed by a walk of a few blocks to the dock
(3) From Seattle dock to Bainbridge dock
Take the Seattle/Bainbridge ferry, for about $7. Ferries leave every hour or less all day long, except between about 1AM and 5AM.
(4) From Bainbridge dock to IslandWood
Cabs are almost always available at the Bainbridge dock -- a trip to IslandWood is about 10 miles, should be ~$15 or so. (Note that you will likely be sharing a cab with someone else; the island has a limited number of cabs, so they carpool. Just go with the flow.)
Depending on how things go, I might see if I can arrange a shuttle or something if multiple people are arriving all at once. Or if you get really stuck, you can call me and I'll just come get you.
(see also this page for more transportation hints)
Q: I'm new to open source and OSGeo. Can I come too?
This is a heads-down-and-laptops-open working meeting, aimed squarely at writing code/documentation and holding serious technical discussions about OSGeo-related projects. It is a working session for people who are already participants in open source projects. If you're not already participating in one of the projects being worked on, this isn't the event for you. Q: But, that's not very fair. How am I supposed to learn about the projects and meet people?
Each project has portals like mailing lists, wikis, and IRC channels for you to start to meet people and get involved. If you really want to participate in the sprint, you should get involved with the project ahead of time.
Q: Will it be possible to give a presentation during this event?
No, this is not a presentation-oriented event. People will get together in small groups and work on areas of mutual interest within their projects.
Q: I'm just a poor student, but I'm an active member of the <whatever> project and I really want to attend. Are scholarships available?
Maybe -- depends on how our budget turns out. Contact and we'll see what we can do.