I am Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Behr, Professor of spatial information processing at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences.
I have a strong background in computer science, especially geospatial IT and consultancy work regarding GI system introduction.
I am teaching in several courses (BEng Surveying and Geoinformatics, BSc Information Logitistics, MSc Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, mainly related to IT (programming, DBMS and data modeling, GIS, XML technologies, Internet technology, web services etc.). Interoperability and open standards are important for me, currently also topics like disaster mapping and crowd sourcing.
I try to include free and Open Software for gespatial software and geodata (including OpenStreetMap) in teaching and research.
As alumni representative of our University I am very interested in continuing education and in internatioanlization of education.
I am the founder of the SUAS MapServer project, and some more services, i. e. [1], [2] and [3].
I am the co-founder of the AGSE conferences, an interdisciplinary, international forum for sharing knowledge about the application of Geoinformatics with focus on application and on developing countries, and inititated FOSS4G_Southeast_Asia.