The Web Extra VM is a Debian virtual machine administered by SAC, hosted on OSGeo3 at OSU OSL and used for hosting web sites and services that are directly the responsibility of SAC and that don't fit on the other more special purpose VMs (ie. TracSVN, or Drupal). OSGeo member/project services that SAC isn't willing to take direct responsibility for likely belong on either the ProjectsVM or the AdhocVM.
The VM is reachable by ssh at webextra.osgeo.osuosl.org. Anyone in the https://www.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/auth/ldap_shell.py?group=sac (SAC) list has ssh access, and anyone in this group can add new people via the link.
Existing Services on Web Extra VM
- /osgeo/foss4g/mum2003-web
- Admined by FrankW
- static html historial site
- Backup available in /osgeo/backup/longterm/mum03 on BackupVM.
- /osgeo/venus (venus2?)
- Admined: Paolo Corti, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas, Mateusz Loskot, Christopher Schmidt
- See also: PlanetOSGeo
- All admins can be contacted by e-mail on planet (at) osgeo (dot) org
- /osgeo/osgeolive
- Static html site from SVN (https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/website)
- Alex (wildintellect)
Status: offline due to massive spamming
TODO: implement moderated queue or other antispam measure
- /var/www/gallery/
- content is in sqlite DB
- Spam removal howto: to be implemented
- /osgeo/foss4g/uploads
- Admined by FrankW, jmckenna
- used for FOSS4G 2011 workshop files (through SFTP)
Includes main www and 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012
- 2011 is on webvm - as it's using Drupal
- Most are static dumps from CMSs that were used,
- 2008 uses the OCS instance (conference.osgeo.org) hosted on webextra
- Most being moved from osgeo1 29sep11 by tmitchell
- 2010 also moved from projects vm.
- Serves as http://vmap0.tiles.osgeo.org/wms?SERVICE=WMS
- Lives in /var/www/tiles/vmap0 and /mapdata (2.3G)
- Originally setup by Chris Schmidt.
- Currently produces the bulk of load on the webextra VM.
- Presumably this is widely used as a default layer in OpenLayers.