Face to Face Meeting Lausanne 2006
The board has proposed getting people together for a second face-to-face meeting at FOSS4G2006, Lausanne, Switzerland.
When and Where
September 11th, 2006 at Lausanne, Switzerland. A room is reserved on the Campus (conference site).
The meeting is just preceeding the FOSS4G2006 conference September 12-15.
Board members and committee members of VisCom, WebCom and the Fundraising committees are encouraged to attend.
- Frank Warmerdam (Board, FunCom)
- Venkatesh Raghavan (Board)
- Jo Walsh (Board)
- Dave McIlhagga (Board, FunCom, VisCom)
- Mark Lucas (Board)
- Chris Holmes (Board, VisCom)
- Arnulf Christl (Board, VisCom)
- Markus Neteler (Board, Geodata, Edu)
- Gary Lang (Board, FunCom)
Start: 09:00
- discuss time line for infrastructure move and which services will be established
- discuss goal implementation for 2006
- how to enable more people to participate in OSGeo efforts (make it less north America centric which is getting an issue in European GFOSS communities)
- discuss small projects hosting (like gpsd) - "OSGeo friends projects"
- improve communication flow (for the masses) - Board blog as info aggregator?
- define Logo usage (protection vs. promotion/branding)
- plan conferences framework - where and how to launch OSGeo related conferences around the globe
- discuss how Executive Director role will work (hopefully with new ED!)
- what are we doing for the projects?
- We should really figure out what the title and requirements of membership are. At FOSS4G2006 many people will want to know how to become a member
- Continue the 2005/2006 budget + ideas for 2007
- General strategy discussions.
- Discuss the stated priorities and how we meet them.
- Make sure that the VisCom is as focused on promoting OSGeo projects as it is OSGeo itself, (if not more?)
- Try to reach consensus on new projects to admit to incubation.
- Discuss ideas for starting cross-collaboration between projects.
- Complete launch of Foundation Sponsorship and hopefully Project Sponsorship.
- Identify sources of income, plan efforts. Hopefully approach some sponsors at FOSS4G.
Afternoon: Open attendance
- OSGeo State of the Union
- What we've accomplished
- Board Meetings
- 17 Board Meetings
- 3 f2f meetings
- Constant communication, discussion, collaboration
- Infrastructure
- Initial Collabnet Infrastructure
- wiki
- Telascience
- Committees
- Website Committee
- VisCom - Promotion and Visibility Committee
- FunCom - Fund Raising Committee
- Incubation Committee
- Public Geospatial Data
- Education and Curriculum
- System Administration Committee
- Conferences
- Where 2.0
- FOSS4G2006
- MapAsia 2006
- Proposals and Responses to RFIs
- International and Local Chapters
- China
- India
- Germany
- Japan
- Ottawa
- Memberships
- Executive Director
- Board Meetings
- Where we are headed
- What we are missing
- What we've accomplished
- OSGeo communication and outreach
Meeting Minutes
Click here for the meeting minutes Meeting Minutes Lausanne 2006.
See also Face To Face Action Items.
See also Proposed Membership Rules#Specifics.