PDX OSGEO 20131016 Meeting
Link back to PDX-OSGeo
Time and Location
- October 16th, 6-8pm
- Renewable Funding
- 400 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 902
- Portland, OR 97204 USA
- map
- If you arrive after 6pm, please buzz the security guard, who will open the doors and let you up to the 9th floor.
- The office is through the double doors immediately to the left after exiting the elevators.
- Rafa will talk geojson.io.
- FOSS4G 2014 Update
- Your name and stuff here
- Your name and stuff here
Meeting Notes
- OpenStreetMap Edit-a-thon hosted by Mele, October 19th at Urban Airship.
- FOSS4G theme and promotion, on the FOSS4G list I'd like to start a brain storm about FOSS4G theme (someone suggested 'User focused' - similar to 2009 in Sydney) and promotion of the conference of that theme as well as Portland and Oregon. What makes Portland so Portland? Flipping through a recent copy of Momentum magazine, I noticed Kinn Cascade Flyer bikes (made is Portland), the produce pedaler, and North St bags (also made in Portland). These are just a few things. Making a list of these, we can then tie into them as appropriate in promotional material.
FOSS4G 2014 in PDX
Please join the organizing mailing list: http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/foss4g2014