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Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Behr, Professor of spatial information processing at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences.

Franz-Josef Behr

From 1999 to 2002 I worked as a senior consultant in a GIS company. The main tasks where supporting the introduction of Geographical Information Systems, and the design and implementation of spatial databases and GIS applications for municipalities and power supply companies. Hence I have a strong background in computer science, especially geospatial IT and consultancy work regarding GI system introduction.

I joined Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences as a full time professor of spatial information processing in 2002 where I am teaching in several courses (BEng Surveying and Geoinformatics, BSc Information Logitistics, MSc Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, mainly related to IT (programming, DBMS and data modeling, GIS, XML technologies, Internet technology, web services etc.). Interoperability and open standards are important for me, currently also topics like disaster mapping and crowd sourcing.

I try to include free and Open Software for gespatial software and geodata (including OpenStreetMap) in teaching and research.

I supervised about 40 Master's Thesis. He published two GIS text books, more than 50 scientific papers and gave several presentations at international conferences.

As alumni representative of our University I am very interested in continuing education and in internationalization of education.

OSGeo Experience

I am the co-founder of the AGSE conferences, an interdisciplinary, international forum for sharing knowledge about the application of Geoinformatics with focus on application and on developing countries, and inititated FOSS4G_Southeast_Asia. AGSE took place in Stuttgart (2009), Arequipa, Peru (AGSE 2010), Nairobi, Kenya (AGSE 2011), Johor Bahru, Malaysia (AGSE 2012), Ahmedaad, India (AGSE 2013), Stuttgart, Germany (AGSE 2014).

I am member of the German Organisation for Standardization and active supporter of Open Source and Open Data.

Further information

Profile last updated
19 March 2015