SAC:Git Service
The TracsvnVM machine hosts a few git related experimental services.
There are currently git repositories under /var/www/git/repos (served by Apache) and under /home/git/gogs-repositories (served by Gogs).
Apache runs as user 'www-data' and thus user 'www-data' owns the files in /var/www/git/repos.
Gogs runs as user 'git' and thus user 'git' owns the files in /home/git/gogs-repositories.
There are also a bunch of git repositories used for various system configurations, but they are not exposed to public services as such.
Access methods
Repos in '/var/www/git/repos' are served by Apache via '<reponame>'. Repos in '/home/git/gogs-repositories' are served by Gogs (proxied by apache) via '<reponame>'.
Both accesses use LDAP authentication. Apache responds to both URI, directly serving the /git one and proxying to Gogs the /_gogs_ one. Configuration is in /etc/apache2/sites-available/git.conf.
TODO: write something about gitweb