Membership Package

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This page is for brainstorming about how to put together a membership package, including perks for financial supporters.

Current Status

At present there is no way for a member to 'sign up' on the OSGeo website. Using OSGeo user id's as a proxy for membership is not enough, as many sign up for an id without any interest or intent to become a member. Membership Application is meant to fill this need but is pending. As a result there is also no way to list who are the members of OSGeo.


To provide a package of information, promotional material and, optionally, merchandise for new members by tying delivery of a membership package to the process of signing up and/or donating to OSGeo.

The objective is to:

  • Help members have enough information/material to maintain a consistent message about OSGeo
  • Build the OSGeo brand and visibility using a few simple methods/tools
  • Collect more members to show public support

What Does Membership Mean

Membership is primarily a way of showing support for the OSGeo mission and its activities and is tied to a particularly person. OSGeo does not have a category for corporate or group members, but is focused on individual/personal memberships. Therefore being a member of OSGeo is something independent of an individuals work or organizational relationship.

An official list of OSGeo members will be maintained by the OSGeo Secretary. A summary of members will be available in a member directory.

For companies or organizations that would like to formally show their support, they are invited to become Sponsors but are also encouraged to have individuals join OSGeo and to be involved in projects and committees like the rest of the membership.

Membership Levels & Benefits

There are three membership levels in OSGeo, described here in more detail, but summarized as:


Subscribes as a member; optionally receives a membership card and package; can nominate new charter members; can nominate members to the board

Supporting Member

Same as Member but has given at least $50 donation; also receives a T-shirt, hat or set of business cards

Charter Member

Same as Member but has been elected by existing Charter Member; can vote for new Charter Members; can vote for new members to the board

Potential Benefits

  • Business cards
  • Shirt or hat
  • OSGeo email address alias (on request)

Old notes

Being refactored into above....

These are some basic ideas of things that OSGeo could do or offer for a small fee (cost recovery +). The goal is not to make large amounts of revenue, but to provide some 'perks' to encourage members and to build our brand.

  1. Business Cards - Provide business cards with OSGeo and related contact info. Optionally have a dual-sided card that can have the sponsors contact info. on the opposite side.
  2. Shirts - Provide a couple options for shirts of varying quality/style.