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The Salzburg University Centre for Geoinformatics is offering an annual forum to the worldwide geoinformatics community, bringing together English-speaking researchers and practitioners across disciplines and industries. Simultaneously, the GI_Forum connects participants into a well established co-located regional symposium - Applied Geoinformatics (AGIT) - sharing the state-of-the art AGIT-EXPO exhibit.

Visit the AGIT GIS convention, conference and exhibition taking place every summer in the beautiful city of Salzburg in Austria. The number of presentations and exhibiting service providers focusing on or referencing Free and Open Source Software projects has again considerably increased. Come to the OSGeo booth to learn more about the OSGeo Foundation.


Ever since the inception of OSGeo in 2006, members of the German language community have helped man a booth, give presentations, spread word about Open Source geospatial and connect with local initiatives and communities.