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This is a first try at getting the Israeli users to get to know each other and who is doing what.

A first step was implemented by Lior Kaplan organizing a Meetup Conference on 11th of June 2018 (see details of the meeting below).

Israel Chapter of OSGeo

About Israel OSGeo Chapter


  • Promoting Open Source Geospatial tools and publicly available Geodata
  • Advocacy of and promoting localization software and educational material and services
  • Act as a bridge between various stakeholders (Developers, Users, NGOs, Government departments...)


Regular Committee Membership Meetings

  • once/twice a year?


  • seek funding and support for local OSGeo initiatives

Collaborative Projects:

  • ...
  • ...

Regional Events:

  • Workshops and Training
  • Special Lectures
  • ...


  • Networking Local Communities
  • Mailing Lists: ...
  • Wiki



  • Mailing-list
  • First official meeting
  • Committees
  • Regular meetings

Initial Membership

To be filled

Meetings of Israel OSGeo Chapter
