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OSGeo Member
Name: Carlos Eduardo Miranda Mota
Job Title: Geoscience Researcher
Company: Geological Survey of Brazil (SGB/CPRM)
Address: 404, Pasteur Ave, Urca
City: Rio de Janeiro
State: Rio de Janeiro
Country: Brazil
Local Chapter: Brazil
Instant Messaging:
Language(s): Portuguese; English
Personal Description : Carlos is graduated in Geology from Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), in 2005, Post Graduated in Basin Analysis and Mobile Belts from UERJ, with a Master’s Degree in Applied Geophysics (2008) and PhD in Petrology and Geochemistry (2012).

He has 15 years of experience in using FOSS4G, acquired and applied at the Environmental and Water Resources Institute (IEMA/ES), from Espírito Santo State and at the Geological Survey of Brazil (SGB/CPRM).

Carlos is currently one of the SGB/CPRM’s representatives at Spatial Data Infrastructure of Brazil (INDE) and member of Technical Implementation Group (TIG) of OneGeology. He is also leader of the Data Science Nucleus (NDS) of the SGB/CPRM.

He is actually working in research and development of new and disruptive technologies, in addition to proposing out-of-the-box solutions for internal geoscientific problems and those of partner institutions, with outstanding performance as an architect, developer, mediator and consultant in Spatial Data Infrastructures, desktop, server and mobile GIS, remote sensing, geographic database systems and OGC/ISO 19100 Series standards.

He is also a specialist in Python, PHP and Javascript, geospatial APIs and Data Analytics – Including with training given to SGB/CPRM, IBGE and Embrapa’s employees.

OSGeo Experience and Roles:

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