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= OSGeo Hacking event in a monastery near Bolsena (29 June - 4 July 2020) =
= OSGeo Hacking event in virtual monastery in the spirit of Bolsena (29 June - 4 July 2020) =
{| style="background-color: #f8f9fa; border: 1px solid #f28500; margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
! colspan="2" style="background: #ffdead;"| COVID-19 important notice !!
| [[File:40px-Ambox important.svg.png|Warning]]
|| Due to current Covid crisis, traveling to the [http://www.conventobolsena.org/ Italian monastery] ([http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=42.646585&mlon=11.99335&zoom=14&layers=M see map location]) is a challenge. That's why we're hosting the event as an online meeting.
; [[Event Owner]]: [[User:ticheler | Jeroen Ticheler]]
; [[Event Owner]]: [[User:ticheler | Jeroen Ticheler]]
; When:  29 June - 4 July 2020
; When:  29 June - 4 July 2020
; Other events:  25-29 May 2020, [[OSGeo Code Sprint 2020]]
; Other events:  none
; Where: [https://www.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode&q=convento+s.maria+del+giglio&sll=42.530961,12.046879&sspn=0.003787,0.00854&ie=UTF8&ei=1aWWRszNN6XgogPZ5s3WCQ&sig2=cYORWrd2VBg1vVTwku4pNQ&cd=1&cid=42643999,11989269,5211035207652426114&li=lmd&z=14&t=m Bolsena - Italy]
; Where: https://meet.jit.si/BolsenaCodeSprint2020
; Chat: https://gitter.im/OSGeo/Sprint
; Timezones: [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?iso=20200629&p1=152&p2=16&p3=286&p4=1091 timezone planner]
; Previous years: [[OSGeo Hacking event|2008]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2009|2009]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2010|2010]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2011|2011]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2012|2012]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2013|2013]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2014|2014]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2015|2015]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2016|2016]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2017|2017]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2018|2018]] and [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2019|2019]].
; Previous years: [[OSGeo Hacking event|2008]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2009|2009]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2010|2010]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2011|2011]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2012|2012]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2013|2013]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2014|2014]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2015|2015]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2016|2016]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2017|2017]], [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2018|2018]] and [[Bolsena Code Sprint 2019|2019]].
After thirteen successful years, we'll continue the OSGeo "hacking" event in Bolsena in an [http://www.conventobolsena.org/ Italian monastery] ([http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=42.646585&mlon=11.99335&zoom=14&layers=M see map location], and videos: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wrZrK64UIw 2008-video],  [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxox3AsjH6Q 2009-video] and [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Vjx06Rlols 2010-video]. The monastery is overlooking Lago Bolsena and offers space to about 25 people in small bedrooms :-) . It is one of the coolest places for such an event. Quiet, isolated, simple and serene. Have a look yourself, including looking at the photo gallery.
After thirteen successful years, we'll continue the OSGeo "hacking" event, but this will be a special edition of the event. Due to current Covid crisis, traveling to the [http://www.conventobolsena.org/ Italian monastery] ([http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=42.646585&mlon=11.99335&zoom=14&layers=M see map location]) is a challenge. That's why we're hosting the event as an online meeting.
For what the food concerns, we cook elaborate meals you will definitely enjoy :-) . There's a large dining space, but we will eat outside overlooking the lake if weather permits (very likely in June).
The all inclusive cost will be 550 Euro (Excl VAT) per person for the full week. You can stay all seven days and food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) is included in the price. As in previous years, we will go out for a city visit and a dinner on one of the evenings (also included).
The event will take place during the whole week (5 days), although the emphasis will probably be Monday to Friday for most participants.
The event will take place during the whole week (5 days), although the emphasis will probably be Monday to Friday for most participants.
Please contact me if you have questions about this event ([[User:ticheler |Jeroen Ticheler]])
Please contact me if you have questions about this event ([[User:ticheler |Jeroen Ticheler]])
=== Resources ===
* [https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/wiki/Bolsena-2020 Agenda for the Bolsena Code Sprint 2020] - GeonNetwork Wiki
== Sponsors ==
=== Presentations ===
'''Sponsoring ''' Find out about [[Bolsena_Code_Sprint_2020#Sponsoring |Sponsoring the Event]].
=== Blog posts ===
=== In-Kind Sponsors ===
{| cellpadding="20"
| [[File:AstunLogo.png|200px|link=http://astuntechnology.com]]
| [[File:camptocamp.png|200px|camptocamp|link=https://www.camptocamp.com/]]
| [[File:CCRi_Logo.png|200px|link=http://www.ccri.com]]
| [[File:Crunchydata.png|200px|CrunchyData||link=http://www.crunchydata.com/]]
| [[File:GeoCat.png|200px|link=https://www.geocat.net]]
| [[File:Geosolutions_logo.png|200px|link=http://www.geo-solutions.it]]
| [[File:titellus.png|200px|Titellus|link=https://titellus.net]]
=== Photo's ===
== Resources ==
* [https://www.flickr.com/photos/jodygarnett/albums/72157709238569521 Jody Garnett's 2019 gallery]
* [https://www.osgeo.org/events/bolsena-codesprint-2020/ Bolsena Codesprint 2020 Online Event] - OSGeo Event page
* [https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/wiki/Bolsena-2020 Agenda for the Bolsena Code Sprint 2020] - GeoNetwork Wiki
* [https://github.com/geonetwork/geoserver/wiki/Bolsena-2020 Bolsena Code Sprint 2020] - GeoServer Wiki
* presentations ...
* blog posts ...
* photos ...
== Sprint Activities ==
=== Schedule ===
* [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=6&day=29&hour=7&min=30&sec=0&p1=152&p2=16&p3=1091&iv=1800 7:30 UTC] GeoNetwork Kickoff
* [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=6&day=29&hour=10&min=0&sec=0&p1=152&p2=16&p3=286&p4=1091 10:00 UTC] GeoNetwork OGC API Records with Angular
* [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=6&day=29&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=152&p2=16&p3=1091 14:00 UTC] GeoNetwork Maven build
* [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=6&day=29&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=152&p2=16&p3=1091&p4=43 14:00 UTC] pgRouting review of pending Pull requests & Release of v.3.0.1 & Release of v.3.1.0
* GeoNetwork review user meeting feedback
* [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=6&day=30&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=152&p2=16&p3=1091 14:00 UTC] GeoNetwork Java 11 compatibility
* [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=6&day=30&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=152&p2=16&p3=1091&p4=43 14:00 UTC] pgRouting review of GSoC develpment
* [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=7&day=1&hour=7&min=30&sec=0&p1=152&p2=16&p3=1091&iv=1800 7:30 UTC] GeoNetwork roadmap and resources discussion
* [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=7&day=1&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=152&p2=16&p3=1091&p4=43 14:00 UTC] pgRouting of pending Pull requests & Release of v.3.0.1 & Release of v.3.1.0
* GeoServer Kickoff Europe
* [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=7&day=2&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=152&p2=16&p3=1091 14:00 UTC] GeoServer dropin
* [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=7&day=2&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=152&p2=16&p3=1091&p4=43 14:00 UTC] pgRouting & MobilityDB
== Sponsors ==
'''Sponsoring ''' Find out about [[Bolsena_Code_Sprint_2020#Sponsoring |Sponsoring the Event]].
== Projects Attending ==
* [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=7&day=3&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=152&p2=16&p3=1091 14:00 UTC] Sprint results and social
* [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2020&month=7&day=3&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=152&p2=16&p3=1091&p4=43 14:00 UTC] pgRouting of pending Pull requests & Release of v.3.0.1 & Release of v.3.1.0
=== GeoNetwork ===
=== GeoNetwork ===
Line 38: Line 94:
; Agenda:  
; Agenda:  
* https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/wiki/Bolsena-2020
* https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/wiki/Bolsena-2020
* hangout: https://meet.jit.si/GeoNetworkDeveloperSprint
* discussion: https://gitter.im/geonetwork/core-geonetwork
* Review priorities from user meeting
* Date handling improvements
* Status API improvements
* Roadmap and Financial planning
* Build using maven artifacts
* Evaluate Java 11 compatibility
* OSGeo Live 14.0 update
* GeoNetwork Version 4
=== GeoServer ===
=== GeoServer ===
== Participants ==
* hangout: https://meet.jit.si/GeoServerDeveloperSprint
* discussion: https://gitter.im/geoserver/geoserver
Those participating, you will need to make the payment of 550 Euro (Excl VAT) in advance to GeoCat bv to guarantee your place. Please contact me by email so I can send you the invoice and bank details. I've no problems if you later need to change as long as you make sure there's someone taking your place :-)
Topics: July 2nd and 3rd
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" class="wikitable sortable"
* bug-fix sprint
* Update maintainers list
* Update JTS 1.17.0
* Small user interface refresh
!width="150"|single/double room?
!width="150"|Advance paid?
!width="250"|Leaving at:
!width="250"|Breakfast help:
| n ||Copy this line and add your details || GeoNetwork || single ||  confirmed  ||  ||  ||
| 1 ||Jeroen Ticheler || Food || double ||  confirmed  || x  ||  ||
| 2 ||Michel Gabriel || Geonetwork || single ||  confirmed || x || ||
| 3 ||Paul van Genuchten || Geonetwork pygeoapi || single ||  confirmed || x ||  ||
| 4 ||Jose Garcia || Geonetwork || single ||  confirmed || x ||  ||
| 5 ||Juan Luis Rodriguez || Geonetwork || single ||  confirmed || x ||  ||
| 6 || Jody Garnett || Assorted || single ||  confirmed  || x ||  ||
| 7 ||Victor Olaya || GeoCat Bridge|| single ||  confirmed  || x  ||  ||
: [1] please sign up to help with setting up and cleaning the breakfast during one day in the week.
=== How to arrive to the Monastery ===
* Andrea, Jody, David, Ian, Michel, Nuno, Fernando, Marco
==== Airport ====
=== JTS Topology Suite ===
The closest airports are the Roma airports (Ciampino and Fiumincino). From Rome to the monastery is approximately 135km. You can rent a car at the airport, or take a bus to the center of Rome (Roma Termini).
From Fiumicino to Rome you can take the train [http://www.adr.it/web/aeroporti-di-roma-en-/pax-fco-train METROPOLITANO FR1].
==== Train ====
* hangout: https://meet.jit.si/BolsenaCodeSprint2020
From Roma Termini there are several trains to Orvieto. There is no railway to Bolsena.
* discussion: https://gitter.im/locationtech/jts
From Orvieto you can take the bus. There are 2 buses a day from Orvieto to Bolsena, except on Sunday, there is '''NO''' bus on Sunday. More info on https://www.rome2rio.com/map/Orvieto/Bolsena#r/Bus
Topics: 29 June - 2 July
From Bolsena main street to the Monastery is approximately 1 km, uphill.
* Tuesday: Prep JTS 1.17.0 release
* Wednesday: JTS [https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=564358 1.17.0 release] (when review is cleared)
* Restore history activity (which is great news)
* Update from EPL 1.0 to EPL 2.0 (hopefully a search and replace)
A good app for train travel in Italy (planning and buying tickets): Train Timetable Italy (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.paoloconte.treni_lite&hl=en-GB) and if you want to take the train all the way, a good app would be DB Navigator from Bahn.de (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.hafas.android.db&hl=en-GB)
==== Bus ====
* Martin, David, Jody, James
From Rome you can take a bus all the way (cotral http://www.cotralspa.it/ENG/capolinea.asp) to Viterbo and other bus from viterbo to Bolsena (9am & 7.30pm).
==== Hiking ====
You could also walk from Orvieto to Bolsena via routes such as the one shown [http://www.inorvieto.it/en/visit/nature_routes/from_orvieto_to_bolsena.html#orvieto here] - about 14km if you take the shortest route. :-)
==== Share ====
=== pgRouting ===
If you are interested to share a vehicle please add your name to the following table.
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" class="wikitable"
!width="150"|I prefer to rent a bus
!width="150"|I prefer to share rented car
!width="150"|I prefer to get a ride if you have a car
!width="150"|I'll go with my car and I have free seats
!width="150"|I'll go by train
|''copy and paste this to add yourself''||  ||  || || || ||
* hangout: https://meet.jit.si/pgRouting
* discussion: https://gitter.im/pgRouting/pgrouting
=== How to get back home ===
Topics: 29 June - 2 July
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" class="wikitable"
* Monday, Wednesday, Friday:  (only discussion)
** pgRouting review of pending Pull requests
!width="150"|I prefer to rent a bus
** Release of v.3.0.1
!width="150"|I prefer to share rented car
** Release of v.3.1.0
!width="150"|I prefer to get a ride if you have a car
* Tuesday: review of GSoC development (hangout)
!width="150"|I'll go with my car and I have free seats
* Thursday: pgRouting & MobilityDB (hangout)
!width="150"|I'll go by train
|''copy and paste this to add yourself''||  ||  || || || ||
== Financials ==
* From pgRouting: Vicky, Ashish, Himesh, Prakash
* From MobilityDB: Esteban, Mahmoud, Mohamed
=== Sponsoring ===
== Sponsoring ==
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) encourages code sprints for developers of open source GIS software to work together in person as a team, and build up relationships between projects (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:Code_Sprints).
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) encourages code sprints for developers of open source GIS software to work together in person as a team, and build up relationships between projects (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:Code_Sprints).
A project focused code sprint for is booked for 29 June - 4 July 2020 in Bolsena Italy.
A project focused code sprint for is booked for 29 June - 4 July 2020 happening online.
We expect 15-25 international participants from across the geospatial community, including [https://www.osgeo.org/, OSGeo] projects. This sprint is a chance for project teams to work on RnD, maintenance challenges, and any activity which benefits from the quick turn around of in person communication. This is your chance to meet with the core developers of the projects, get a deeper insight into the software, and participate in the development.
We expect 15-25 international participants from across the geospatial community, including [https://www.osgeo.org/, OSGeo] projects. This sprint is a chance for project teams to work on RnD, maintenance challenges, and any activity which benefits from the quick turn around of in person communication. This is your chance to meet with the core developers of the projects, get a deeper insight into the software, and participate in the development.
In addition to the costs of providing the technical infrastructure and space, food and drink for the developers represents the main cost.
While we do not have the usual costs of technical infrastructure and space, we do hope to provide some food and drink (takeout) for the developers to attend a social video chat and cater any meetings that are setup. Any funds raised beyond event costs are maintained by OSGeo to help our open source community.
In order to cover these costs we would be overjoyed to accept offers of sponsorship!
In order to cover these costs we would be overjoyed to accept offers of sponsorship!
Line 157: Line 194:
We would also like to recognize organizations participating in the event as *in-kind* sponsors.
We would also like to recognize organizations participating in the event as *in-kind* sponsors.
===OSGeo Funding ===
===OSGeo Funding Request ===
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation provides financial support through their generous code-sprint program. To support our application for OSGeo Funding the following sprint details are provided:
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation provides financial support through their generous code-sprint program. To support our application for OSGeo Funding the following sprint details are provided:

Latest revision as of 08:49, 6 June 2022

OSGeo Hacking event in virtual monastery in the spirit of Bolsena (29 June - 4 July 2020)

COVID-19 important notice
Warning Due to current Covid crisis, traveling to the Italian monastery (see map location) is a challenge. That's why we're hosting the event as an online meeting.
Event Owner
Jeroen Ticheler
29 June - 4 July 2020
Other events
timezone planner
Previous years
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

After thirteen successful years, we'll continue the OSGeo "hacking" event, but this will be a special edition of the event. Due to current Covid crisis, traveling to the Italian monastery (see map location) is a challenge. That's why we're hosting the event as an online meeting.

The event will take place during the whole week (5 days), although the emphasis will probably be Monday to Friday for most participants. Please contact me if you have questions about this event (Jeroen Ticheler)



Sponsoring Find out about Sponsoring the Event.

In-Kind Sponsors

AstunLogo.png camptocamp CCRi Logo.png
CrunchyData link=http://www.crunchydata.com/ GeoCat.png Geosolutions logo.png


Sprint Activities



  • 7:30 UTC GeoNetwork Kickoff
  • 10:00 UTC GeoNetwork OGC API Records with Angular
  • 14:00 UTC GeoNetwork Maven build
  • 14:00 UTC pgRouting review of pending Pull requests & Release of v.3.0.1 & Release of v.3.1.0


  • GeoNetwork review user meeting feedback
  • 14:00 UTC GeoNetwork Java 11 compatibility
  • 14:00 UTC pgRouting review of GSoC develpment


  • 7:30 UTC GeoNetwork roadmap and resources discussion
  • 14:00 UTC pgRouting of pending Pull requests & Release of v.3.0.1 & Release of v.3.1.0



  • 14:00 UTC Sprint results and social
  • 14:00 UTC pgRouting of pending Pull requests & Release of v.3.0.1 & Release of v.3.1.0





  • Review priorities from user meeting
  • Date handling improvements
  • Status API improvements
  • Roadmap and Financial planning
  • Build using maven artifacts
  • Evaluate Java 11 compatibility
  • OSGeo Live 14.0 update
  • GeoNetwork Version 4



Topics: July 2nd and 3rd

  • bug-fix sprint
  • Update maintainers list
  • Update JTS 1.17.0
  • Small user interface refresh


  • Andrea, Jody, David, Ian, Michel, Nuno, Fernando, Marco

JTS Topology Suite


Topics: 29 June - 2 July

  • Tuesday: Prep JTS 1.17.0 release
  • Wednesday: JTS 1.17.0 release (when review is cleared)
  • Restore history activity (which is great news)
  • Update from EPL 1.0 to EPL 2.0 (hopefully a search and replace)


  • Martin, David, Jody, James



Topics: 29 June - 2 July

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday: (only discussion)
    • pgRouting review of pending Pull requests
    • Release of v.3.0.1
    • Release of v.3.1.0
  • Tuesday: review of GSoC development (hangout)
  • Thursday: pgRouting & MobilityDB (hangout)


  • From pgRouting: Vicky, Ashish, Himesh, Prakash
  • From MobilityDB: Esteban, Mahmoud, Mohamed


The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) encourages code sprints for developers of open source GIS software to work together in person as a team, and build up relationships between projects (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:Code_Sprints).

A project focused code sprint for is booked for 29 June - 4 July 2020 happening online.

We expect 15-25 international participants from across the geospatial community, including OSGeo projects. This sprint is a chance for project teams to work on RnD, maintenance challenges, and any activity which benefits from the quick turn around of in person communication. This is your chance to meet with the core developers of the projects, get a deeper insight into the software, and participate in the development.

While we do not have the usual costs of technical infrastructure and space, we do hope to provide some food and drink (takeout) for the developers to attend a social video chat and cater any meetings that are setup. Any funds raised beyond event costs are maintained by OSGeo to help our open source community.

In order to cover these costs we would be overjoyed to accept offers of sponsorship!

What we can offer:

  • Your logo on top of the community sprint website as well as on all official documents used during the sprint
  • Acknowledgement in all sprint related emails
  • Our undying gratitude, which comes in handy when you least expect it (remember that feature you wanted?)

Sponsorship levels:

  • Sponsor: 1000 EUR
  • Sponsor: 500 EUR
  • Donation: via paypal

We would also like to recognize organizations participating in the event as *in-kind* sponsors.

OSGeo Funding Request

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation provides financial support through their generous code-sprint program. To support our application for OSGeo Funding the following sprint details are provided:

  • Attendance Fee: 550 EUR (seek to lower to 250 EUR)
  • Sponsorship: 2000 EUR
  • OSGeo request: 2000 EUR
  • In-kind donations primarily focus on meal preparation (kitchen cleanup is shared between attendees)

Expenses: 9000 EUR

  • Venue: 5000 EUR
  • Food: 3000 EUR
  • Tour: 1000 EUR

Income: 11250 EUR

  • Attendee: 550 EUR * 15 = 8250 EUR
  • Sponsorship: 4000 EUR

Sponsorship, and OSGeo financial support, would all us to reduce the attendance price, and make a donation to improve the facilities for subsequent years (example dishwasher).