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Back to [[FOSS4G 2010]]
== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
Line 234: Line 233:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Room !! Code !! Title !! Software needs
!width="75px"| Room !!width="40px"| Code !!width="30%"| Title !!width="60%"| Software needs
| B5.S101
| B5.S101
Line 284: Line 283:
|| W12
|| W12
|| GeoNetwork for dummies, or how to setup an SDI in 3 hours
|| GeoNetwork for dummies, or how to setup an SDI in 3 hours
|| None. CD-ROM and instructions will be brought by workshop organizer.
|| Instructions and CD-ROM can be downloaded from the [[FOSS4G 2010 Workshops#On-line manuals | On-line manuals]] section. CD-ROM and instructions were brought by workshop organizer.
| C6.S308
| C6.S308
Line 348: Line 347:
* Mark Cave-Ayland, Sirius, W04
* Mark Cave-Ayland, Sirius, W04
* Mike Pumphrey, OpenGeo, W01
* Mike Pumphrey, OpenGeo, W01
* Tyler Mitchell, OSGeo, W8
* Andrea Aime, OpenGeo, W01
== Calendar  ==
== Calendar  ==
Line 358: Line 359:
* <strike>Jul 15 (aprox), Workshop software installation & testing @ classroom PCs.</strike>
* <strike>Jul 15 (aprox), Workshop software installation & testing @ classroom PCs.</strike>
* <strike>Aug 25, Manuals sent to printer shop.</strike>
* <strike>Aug 25, Manuals sent to printer shop.</strike>
* Aug 31, Printed copies ready.
* <strike>Aug 31, Printed copies ready.</strike>
* Sep 1, Workshops late software installs (v. gr. OSGeo-Live 4.0.1 VM).
* <strike>Sep 1, Workshops late software installs (v. gr. OSGeo-Live 4.0.1 VM).</strike>
* Sep 6 9:00 - 11:00 Workshop environment testing by instructors.
* <strike>Sep 6 9:00 - 11:00 Workshop environment testing by instructors.</strike>
* Sep 6 13:00 - 14:55 Workshops REGISTRATION DESK opening hours.
* <strike>Sep 6 13:00 - 14:55 Workshops REGISTRATION DESK opening hours.</strike>
* Sep 6 15:00 - 18:00 WORKSHOPS 1st SESSION: W1 to W7.
* <strike>Sep 6 15:00 - 18:00 WORKSHOPS 1st SESSION: W1 to W7.</strike>
* Sep 7 8:00 - 8:55 Workshops REGISTRATION DESK opening hours.
* <strike>Sep 7 8:00 - 8:55 Workshops REGISTRATION DESK opening hours.</strike>
* Sep 7 9:00-12:00 WORKSHOPS 2nd SESSION: W8 to W14.
* <strike>Sep 7 9:00-12:00 WORKSHOPS 2nd SESSION: W8 to W14.</strike>
* Sep 7-9, FOSS4G TUTORIALS (see schedule above).
* <strike>Sep 7-9, FOSS4G TUTORIALS (see schedule above).</strike>
* 2nd half Sept., Wrap-up: Evaluations, lessons learned, on-line materials.
== On-line manuals ==
Do you want your Workshop materials to be linked in the official web?
Indicate YES or NO next to your workshop.
Or, if you prefer that we link to your own hosted version, add the URL.
* W1 Geoserver: http://workshops.opengeo.org/geoserver-intro/
* W2 gvSIG: http://tinyurl.com/gvsig-foss4g10
* W3 OSM: http://dbsgeo.com/foss4g2010/
* W4 PostGIS: http://workshops.opengeo.org/postgis-intro/
* W5 Mapbender: 3 PDF documents at: http://www.mapbender.org/FOSS4G_2010_Workshop_W5_-_Introduction_to_the_Mapbender_geoportal_framework#Workshop_documents
* W6 Python: (PDF) and http://www.mapfish.org/doc/tutorials/python-workshop/
* W7 ZOO Project: http://zoo-project.org/trac/wiki/ZooWorkshop2010/Content
* W8 MapServer: (Full MS4W package, including docs) http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/dl/mapserver-workshop/ms101_ms4w_foss4g2010.zip
* W10 pgRouting: http://workshop.pgrouting.org
* W11 OpenLayers: http://workshops.opengeo.org/openlayers-intro/
* W12 GeoNetwork: [https://eos.geocat.net/download/workshops/foss4g2010/instructions.pdf Instructions] (PDF) - [https://eos.geocat.net/download/workshops/foss4g2010/gn260.zip ISO image of CD-ROM] (620MB)
* W13 Java: http://docs.geotools.org/latest/tutorials/
* W14 GRASS: (PDF)
PDFs available at http://geoportal.dlsi.uji.es/fonts/foss4g/manuals/
== Announcements ==
== Announcements ==
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Latest revision as of 02:31, 23 February 2015

Back to FOSS4G 2010


Workshops are 3-hour sessions in a PC classroom, and Tutorials are 90-minute sessions in a conference room. The FOSS4G 2010 Workshop Committee is responsible for the organization of both Workshops and Tutorials.

FOSS4G 2010 Workshop Commitee

We need people with experience organizing conference workshops at other GFOSS events. Local (Barcelona & Spain) members are welcome. If you are willing to help organizing FOSS4G Workshops and Tutorials, please add yourself to the members list below, and subscribe to the mail list.

Workshop Committee Members

  • Oscar Fonts IRC username: oscarfonts
  • Jeff McKenna IRC username: jmckenna
  • Alvaro Anguix, collaborator
  • Mario Carrera, collaborator


Workshop and Tutorial Selection

FOSS4G 2010 Organization Committee will evaluate workshop and tutorial proposals attending to these criteria:

  1. Meets conference mandate:
    1. Matches with the themes of the conference
    2. Makes use of software that is both "free" and "open source"
  2. Submission's technical requirements can be met by the conference facilities
  3. Demonstrates practical applications
  4. Expected level of attendee interest in the workshop topic
  5. A plus for proposals addressing the special interest topics stated in the Call
  6. Likelyhood of a quality workshop:
    1. Expertise of the workshop presenters in the workshop subject matter
    2. Presenters personal experience presenting workshops at other conferences
    3. Successful workshop presented at prior FOSS4G/GFOSS conferences

Workshop Venue

Workshops will be hold in the Barcelona School of Computer Science (FIB), at Barcelona Campus Nord, buildings B5 and C6 (address).

All classrooms have screen and projector for instructors.

Software installation is preferred on Windows XP native Operating System.

If linux is required, we have a vmware SUSE 11.1 image.

B5 building classrooms

Classroom # Computers PC hardware
B5.S101 21+1 Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 3.1 Ghz. 4GB RAM. Monitor HP L1950g TFT 19". ASUS EAH3450 Series 1GB (512MB), compatible ATI Radeon HD 34xx. DVD-ROM.
B5.S201 21+1 Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 3.1 Ghz. 4GB RAM. Monitor HP L1950g TFT 19". ASUS EAH3450 Series 1GB (512MB), compatible ATI Radeon HD 34xx. DVD-ROM.
B5.S202 21+1 Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 3.1 Ghz. 4GB RAM. Monitor HP L1950g TFT 19". ASUS EAH3450 Series 1GB (512MB), compatible ATI Radeon HD 34xx. DVD-ROM.

C6 building classrooms

Classroom # Computers PC hardware
C6.S302 24+1 Intel Core 2 Duo 6320 1.86 Ghz. 2GB RAM. Monitor CRT 17". Nvidia Geforce 6200. DVD-ROM.
C6.S306 20+1 Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.00 Ghz. 2GB RAM. Monitor HP L1750 TFT 17". ATI Radeon X1300. DVD-ROM.
C6.S308 20+1 Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.00 Ghz. 2GB RAM. Monitor HP L1750 TFT 17". ATI Radeon X1300. DVD-ROM.
C6.S309 20+1 Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 3.1 Ghz. 4GB RAM. Monitor HP L1950g TFT 19". ASUS EAH3450 Series 1GB (512MB), compatible ATI Radeon HD 34xx. DVD-ROM.



Classroom Capacity Session 1 (Mon 6 Sep 15-18h) Session 2 (Tue 7 Sep 9-12h)
B5.S101 42 W1 - Web mapping with GeoServer

Andrea Aime, Mike Pumphrey (OpenGeo)

W8 - Getting started with MapServer

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo), Jeff McKenna (Gateway Geomatics), Perry Nacionales (University of Minnesota)

B5.S201 42 W2 - gvSIG 1.9 user workshop

Jorge Sanz (Prodevelop - gvSIG Association), José Vicente Higón (Software Colaborativo - gvSIG Association), Victoria Agazzi (Prodevelop - gvSIG Association)

W9 - Quantum GIS and PostGIS: Solving spatial problems and creating web-based analysis tools

Paul Wickman (Northstar Geographics)

B5.S202 42 W3 - Setting up an OpenStreetMap rendering toolchain

Iván Sánchez Ortega (OpenStreetMap España), Dane Springmeyer (Mapnik)

W10 - FOSS4G routing with pgRouting tools, OpenStreetMap road data and GeoExt

Daniel Kastl (Georepublic), Frédéric Junod (Camptocamp)

C6.S302 48 W4 - Introduction to PostGIS

Paul Ramsey (OpenGeo), Mark Cave-Ayland (Sirius)

W11 - Working with OpenLayers

Tim Schaub, Charles David Winslow (OpenGeo)

C6.S306 40 W5 - Introduction to the Mapbender geoportal framewework

Astrid Emde, Christoph Baudson (WhereGroup)

W12 - GeoNetwork for dummies, or how to setup an SDI in 3 hours

Jeroen Ticheler, Jose Garcia, Heikki Doeleman (GeoCat)

C6.S308 40 W6 - Solid web mapping with Python

Éric Lemoine, Bruno Binet (Camptocamp)

W13 - Geospatial for Java

Jody Garnett (LISAsoft), Justin Deoliveira (OpenGeo)

C6.S309 40 W7 - Practical introduction to ZOO, the powerful WPS platform

Gérald Fenoy (GeoLabs), Nicolas Bozon (3LIZ)

W14 - Practical introduction to GRASS

Paolo Zatelli, Clara Tattoni, Marco Ciolli (Univeristy of Trento)


Tutorials are 1.5 hour sessions simultaneous to conference talks, in the main conference venue.

The tutorials this year will be:

Room Date&Time Tutorial
Sala 12 Sept 08 12:00 T-01 gvSIG Mobile and Mini tutorial

Javier Carrasco, Alberto Romeu (Prodevelop)

Sala 11 Sept 07 16:30 T-02 PyWPS

Luca Casagrande (Università degli Studi di Perugia), Jorge de Jesus (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)

Sala 12 Sept 08 14:30 T-03 Building web based GIS applications with GeoEXT

Pierre Giraud (Camptocamp), Andreas Hocevar (OpenGeo), Yves Jacolin (Camptocamp)

Sala 11 Sept 08 16:30 T-04 Mastering advanced GeoNetwork

Jeroen Ticheler, Jose Garcia, Heikki Doeleman (GeoCat)

Sala 12 Sept 09 09:00 T-05 Hands-on introduction to Mapguide Open Source

Gordon Luckett (Arrow Geomatics)

Sala 12 Sept 09 11:00 T-06 First steps with MapFish

Pierre Mauduit, Antoine Abt (Camptocamp France)

Sala 12 Sept 09 14:00 T-07 A hands-on introduction to spatial ETL with Geokettle

Thierry Badard (Spatialytics)

Sala 11 Sept 08 12:00 T-08 How to generate billions of tiles using distributed cloud-computing

Oliver Christen, Cedric Moullet, François Van Der Biest (Camptocamp)

Sala 11 Sept 09 09:00 T-10 SDI best practices with Geonode

Sebastian Benthall (OpenGeo), Stuart Gill (World Bank)

Sala 11 Sept 08 14:30 T-11 Standardized geoprocessing with 52°North open source software

Bastian Schaeffer (52°North)

Sala 11 Sept 09 14:00 T-12 Sensor Web Enablement - Integrating sensor data into Spatial Data Infrastructures

Simon Jirka (52° North), Arne Bröring (University of Münster - Institute für Geoinformatics), Eike Hinderk Jürrens (52° North)

Sala 11 Sept 09 11:00 T-13 Conquering complex application schemas (INSPIRE Data Themes, GeoSciML, ...) with deegree 3 web services

Markus Schneider (lat/lon GmbH )

Requirements: Software, hardware, geodata


Workshop classrooms come with native Windows XP computers. Required software will be installed on Windows XP and tested on mid July. Alternatively, an Open Source Virtual Machine can be provided.

Room Code Title Software needs
B5.S101 W1 Web Mapping with GeoServer You supply the laptops, we supply the software and data.
B5.S101 W8 Getting Started With MapServer No additional material is required. Optional: bring your own datasets to load into your web mapping application. Intermediate/advance questions will be accommodated if time permits.
B5.S201 W2 gvSIG 1.9 user workshop the workshop will run on the OSGeo LiveDVD so we suppose we don't need hard and soft additional.
B5.S201 W9 Quantum GIS and PostGIS: Solving Spatial Problems and Creating Web-Based Analysis Tools "Quantum GIS v1.4.0 Enceladus" or newer, installed on workshop computers or available on the FOSS4G LiveDVD. Please use Windows "Standalone" version, not the "OSGeo4W" installer version. Internet access to the instructor's PostGIS and WMS/WFS server.
B5.S202 W3 Setting up an OpenStreetMap rendering toolchain Hardware: One computer per person, plus overhead projector. Standard internet connection. Nothing out of the ordinary. Software: Already installed in the computers: PostGIS, Mapnik, Mapnik support scripts, Apache2 web server, and mod_tile. Computers *must* run Linux in order for Apache+mod_tile to work. Some other workshops may use PostGIS and Apache, so it should be coordinated. PHPPGAdmin would be a plus. Available somewhere in the workshop CDs: OpenLayers, plus some sets of geodata (global shorelines, plus a small excerpt of OpenStreetMap data). Total size of this data should be around or less than 100 MB. The workshop tutor will provide all materials prior to the workshop. All software in the computers should be tested beforehand, so it is desirable to have a disk image or install CD the tutor can try out ahead of time. Atendees should not bring anything special. All the needed software and data should be readily available in the computers, plus a CD (or pendrive, or similar device).
B5.S202 W10 FOSS4G routing with pgRouting tools, OpenStreetMap road data and GeoExt -
C6.S302 W4 Introduction to PostGIS Windows XP computers.
C6.S302 W11 Working with OpenLayers Participants will complete exercises on a PC (any OS) that is running a web server (e.g. Apache). Participants will need to edit text files with an editor and view examples in a browser. The workshop also requires GeoServer and Postgres w/ PostGIS running. We can provide software and data to be installed in advance of the workshop. In previous workshops, GeoServer has been installed and running, PostGIS configured with workshop data, and Apache configured to proxy GeoServer on port 80 and provide an alias to the workshop document root. We can provide documentation on setting all this up and can help if workshop machines are available before the workshop date. So, requirements are - * PostGIS (configured with data) * GeoServer (running on port 8080 or other) * Apache (configured to proxy GeoServer on port 80 and with alias to workshop document root) * Text editor * Web browser (Firefox recommended).
C6.S306 W5 Introduction to the Mapbender Geoportal Framwework The workshop will run completely on the Mapbender Portal provided by OSGeo, no software will be installed during the course all that is needed is a web terminal. Attendees who want to work with their own copy of the software should either install it on a server that is available via internet during the workshop or on their own notebook. To the experienced geoportal operator the installation is straight forward, all information can be found on the Mapbender web site http://www.mapbender.org. If you want to install you own copy but are new to either GIS, web technology, mapping, OGC standards or any combination thereof it is recommended to start the installation well in advance to the workshop as it involves a web server, database, PHP, Mapbender internet accessibility. You will get all the help that you need to set up the system and get it to run properly on the http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Mapbender_Mailing_Lists.
C6.S306 W12 GeoNetwork for dummies, or how to setup an SDI in 3 hours Instructions and CD-ROM can be downloaded from the On-line manuals section. CD-ROM and instructions were brought by workshop organizer.
C6.S308 W6 Solid Web Mapping with Python Linux or Windows machine with Python 2.5 or 2.6 installed. Linux is preferred.
C6.S308 W13 Geospatial for Java Windows, any version of Java, Students will have choice of Eclipse or NetBeans IDE.
B5.S101 W7 Practical Introduction to ZOO, the Powerful WPS Platform computer and ZOO-CD (ZOO-Binaries, GDAL/OGR library and dependencies).
B5.S101 W14 Practical Introduction to GRASS For the workshop we need: - GRASS (one of the 6.4 series, 6.4.0RC5 is currently available); - the standard North Carolina GRASS demo data set, the "smaller simpler subset (47MB)" (http://grass.osgeo.org/sampledata/north_carolina/nc_basic_spm.tar.gz) is sufficient; - our HTML tutorial; - our PDF file containing the introductory slides for the workshop. The last years we used our own live DVDs, especially tailored for the Conferences (see for example the 2009 DVD here: http://www.ing.unitn.it/~grass/software/FOSS4G2009_GRASS_beginners_DVD.html), but we can provide our tutorial as a Debian and Ubuntu package, so that it can be included in the OSGEO Live DVD. Since this is a beginners' workshop, it is fundamental that GRASS' version in use matches the one used in the workshop material, so that all the details correspond. Therefore, if the OSGEO Live DVD is used we need to know which GRASS version will be included at least a month in advance, to review all the material. No special hardware is required, maps in the dataset are quite small, therefore a fairly modern Pc will do. No network connection is required, unless you want the attendees to download the tutorial and the dataset. It is possible to use attendees' laptop (some of the attendees have used their own Pc last year in Sydney), but we must be reasonably sure they have a working GRASS installation. Again, the GRASS version can be critical. Last year I have helped some of them to setup their machine via email before the workshop. The use of a live DVD on a Pc provided by the organization is probably the best choice for most of the attendees, since they are not required to setup GRASS before the workshop but they can take the DVD home and re-run the workshop. They can also use the DVD as an installer.


For tutorials, it is recommended to use the LiveDVD that will be distributed to all delegates. Instructors are encouraged to join the LiveDVD list and participate in release testing.


Workhsop & tutorial instructors will receive credit for registration for "the Conference". See details in the Discounts page.

Welcome Lunch for Workshop Instructors & Volunteers

All Workshop Instructors and Volunteers are invited to a Welcome Lunch near the Workshop Venue: Casa Cantabria, Monday Sept. 6, 1PM.

If you want to come, please add yourself to this list BEFORE monday, so we can make the reservation in the restaurant:

  • Oscar Fonts (LOC).
  • Càrol Puig (LOC).
  • Pedro-Juan Ferrer, OSGeo-es LO, Volunteer.
  • Bruno Binet, Camptocamp, W6
  • Eric Lemoine, Camptocamp, W6
  • Frédéric Junod, Camptocamp, W10
  • Justin Deoliveira, OpenGeo, W13
  • Jody Garnett, LisaSoft, W13
  • Chris Holmes, OpenGeo, W01
  • Tim Schaub, OpenGeo, W11
  • David Winslow, OpenGeo, W11
  • Paul Ramsey, OpenGeo, W04
  • Jeff McKenna, W8
  • Jorge Sanz, gvSIG Association, W2
  • Jose Vicente Higón, gvSIG Association, W2
  • Marco Ciolli, Clara Tattoni, Paolo Zatelli, Pietro Zambelli, W14
  • Gérald Fenoy, GeoLabs, W07
  • Nicolas Bozon, 3LIZ, W07
  • Astrid Emde, Christoph Baudson, Toni Pignataro W5
  • Daniel Kastl, Georepublic, W10 (if the plane has no delay)
  • Mark Cave-Ayland, Sirius, W04
  • Mike Pumphrey, OpenGeo, W01
  • Tyler Mitchell, OSGeo, W8
  • Andrea Aime, OpenGeo, W01


  • Jan 15, Opening Call for Workshops/Tutorials
  • Jan 30, Closing Call for Workshops/Tutorials
  • Feb 1-15, Workshop/Tutorial selection process
  • Feb 16, Notification of acceptance for workshops/tutorials
  • Feb 22, Registration for workshops and tutorials opens
  • Jul 15 (aprox), Workshop software installation & testing @ classroom PCs.
  • Aug 25, Manuals sent to printer shop.
  • Aug 31, Printed copies ready.
  • Sep 1, Workshops late software installs (v. gr. OSGeo-Live 4.0.1 VM).
  • Sep 6 9:00 - 11:00 Workshop environment testing by instructors.
  • Sep 6 13:00 - 14:55 Workshops REGISTRATION DESK opening hours.
  • Sep 6 15:00 - 18:00 WORKSHOPS 1st SESSION: W1 to W7.
  • Sep 7 8:00 - 8:55 Workshops REGISTRATION DESK opening hours.
  • Sep 7 9:00-12:00 WORKSHOPS 2nd SESSION: W8 to W14.
  • Sep 7-9, FOSS4G TUTORIALS (see schedule above).
  • 2nd half Sept., Wrap-up: Evaluations, lessons learned, on-line materials.

On-line manuals

Do you want your Workshop materials to be linked in the official web? Indicate YES or NO next to your workshop. Or, if you prefer that we link to your own hosted version, add the URL.

PDFs available at http://geoportal.dlsi.uji.es/fonts/foss4g/manuals/
