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Please contact me if you have questions about this event ([[User:ticheler |Jeroen Ticheler]])
Please contact me if you have questions about this event ([[User:ticheler |Jeroen Ticheler]])
=== Interested? Sign up here ===
=== Registered Attendees ===
'''All rooms are full, so you can't sign up anymore for a room. You are welcome during the days, but you will have to organize your own accommodation'''
'''All rooms are full, so you can't sign up anymore for a room. You are welcome during the days, but you will have to organize your own accommodation'''

Revision as of 14:04, 17 June 2008

OSGeo Hacking event in a monastry near Bolsena (16-22 June 2008)

Event Owner
Jeroen Ticheler
16-22 June 2008
Bolsena - Italy

We will have an OSGeo "hacking" event in an Italian monastry (here). The monastry is overlooking Lago Bolsena and offers space to about 25 people in small bedrooms :-) . Its probably one of the coolest places for such an event. Quiet, isolated, simple and serene. There's a good wireless and wired internet connection, although I wouldn't bet my hand on it if we all start to download satellite images. It should be perfect for SVN, IRC and mail. Have a look yourself, including looking at the photo gallery.

The cost will be about 200 Euro per person for the week.

For what the food concerns, there will be a cook who will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner for 30 Euro per person per day. There's a large dining space, but we will eat outside overlooking the lake if weather permits (very likely in June).

We'll discuss other technicalities as they come up, i.e. assistance if you need to rent a car, organize to travel together, public transport etc... Please feel free to use this WIKI page for that or create a sub page.

The event will take place during the whole week (7 days).

Please contact me if you have questions about this event (Jeroen Ticheler)

Registered Attendees

All rooms are full, so you can't sign up anymore for a room. You are welcome during the days, but you will have to organize your own accommodation

Those participating, you will need to make and advance payment of 100 Euro to me to guarantee your place. Please contact me privately by email so we can arrange that. I've no problems if you later need to change as long as you make sure there's someone taking your place :-)

Name Projects single/double room? Should we organize a cook? Outdoor activities? [1] Confirmed/tentative? Advance paid?
Jeroen Ticheler GeoNetwork & Marketing double yes confirmed x
Lorenzo Becchi ka-Map & OpenLayers single yes confirmed x
Heikki Doeleman GeoNetwork single yes confirmed x
Arnulf Christl Mapbender & Marketing double yes confirmed x
Christoph Baudson Mapbender ? ? confirmed ?
Gregor Fikoczek Mapbender ? ? confirmed ?
Francois Prunayre GeoNetwork still don't know yes confirmed x
Simon Pigot GeoNetwork single yes confirmed
Kate Roberts GeoNetwork single yes tentative
Andrea Antonello JGrass single yes confirmed x
Silvia Franceschi JGrass & Marketing single yes Confirmed x
Daniele Andreis JGrass single yes Confirmed x
6 * GeoServer devs GeoServer single yes Confirmed x
Javier Carrasco gvSIG & gvSIG Mobile single yes Confirmed x
Juan Lucas Dominguez gvSIG & gvSIG Mobile single yes Confirmed x
Victor Olaya SEXTANTE single yes Confirmed x
Martin Landa GRASS GIS single yes Confirmed x
Giuseppe Onorevoli JGrass single yes Confirmed (no room reserved!)
Patrizia Monteduro Geonetwork no need no couple of days
Simone Giannecchini GeoTools & GeoServer (& GDAL SWIG Java) double (?) yes confirmed (not the whole week though)
Alessio Fabiani GeoTools & GeoServer single yes confirmed
Daniele Romagnoli GeoTools (& GDAL SWIG Java) single yes confirmed
Stefano Giaccio GeoNetwork single yes confirmed x
Emanuele Tajariol GeoNetwork single yes confirmed x
Mark Small EDINA single yes Confirmed x
Michael koutroumpas EDINA single yes Confirmed x
Diego Guidi MapServer,GeoServer,GvSig yes tentative
Paolo Corti MapServer,GeoServer,GDAL,FeatureServer yes tentative
José García gvSIG single yes Confirmed x
Grant McKenzie GeoNetwork single yes Confirmed x
Mathieu Coudert GeoNetwork single yes Confirmed x
Andrea Giacomelli GeoNetwork not required - expected to show up on day trip Tentative
Stefano Costa on behalf of GFOSS.it not required - expected to show up on day trip (Monday 16th) Confirmed
copy and paste this to add yourself
[1] there are options to do outdoor activities like tracking. A guide can be organized and the cost is very reasonable.

How to arrive to the Monastry

The closest airports are the Roma airports (Ciampino and Fiumincino).

From Rome to the monastry there is 135 km aproximately.

There is no railway to Bolsena.

From Fiumicino to Rome you can take the train METROPOLITANO FR1.

From Rome you can take a bus (cotral http://www.cotralspa.it/ENG/capolinea.asp) to Viterbo and other bus from viterbo to Bolsena.

Monday to Friday there is a bus each hour but Sunday there are very few buses.

From Bolsena main street to the Monastry is aproximately 1 km.

It could be interesting to rent a private bus or several cars to move from Rome to the Monastry and from the Monastry to Rome.

If you are interested in share vehicle please add your name to the following table and the columns you need for new ideas.

Name I prefer to rent a bus I prefer to share rented car I'll go with my car and I have free seats
Javier Carrasco X
Juan Lucas Dominguez X
José García X
Michael Koutroumpas X
Mark Small X
Grant McKenzie X
Heikki Doeleman X X
copy and paste this to add yourself