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! Event !! Location !! Number of Attendees
! Event !! Location !! Number of Attendees
| [[FOSS4G 2011]] || TBD ||
| [[FOSS4G 2011]] || Denver, USA ||
| [[FOSS4G 2010]] || Barcelona, Spain ||
| [[FOSS4G 2010]] || Barcelona, Spain || 869
| [[FOSS4G 2009]] || Sydney, Australia || 436
| [[FOSS4G 2009]] || Sydney, Australia || 436

Revision as of 07:55, 29 September 2010

The upcoming FOSS4G 2011 will take place from Tuesday 12th through Friday 16th September in Denver, Colorado, USA (2011-09-12 to 2011-09-16)

Find all information of the last FOSS4G 2010 conference in Barcelona, Spain.


FOSS4G is the acronym for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial. It is the annual recurring global event hosted by OSGeo since it's inception in 2006. Its predecessors were rooted in the GRASS and MapServer communities and can be traced back to the beginning of this millennium.

Organizing FOSS4G

The OSGeo Conference Committee is the steadying factor of FOSS4G over the years. Organization of FOSS4G starts roughly 2 years in advance as the venue rotates around the world when a call for bids is sent out.

Local Organizing Committee

All the hands-on ground work is done by a volunteering Local Organizing Committees that form each year and have so far always excelled themselves at putting together a great conference. OSGeo is very thankful and excited to see this much effort going into each conference. As of 2007 all conference web sites can be found under the generic OSGeo URL by replacing the year as in http://2010.foss4g.org/


Event Location Number of Attendees
FOSS4G 2011 Denver, USA
FOSS4G 2010 Barcelona, Spain 869
FOSS4G 2009 Sydney, Australia 436
FOSS4G 2008 Cape Town, South Africa 550
FOSS4G 2007 Victoria, Canada 721
FOSS4G 2006 Lausanne, Switzland 560
2005 OSG conference Minneapolis, MN 350
OSGIS 2004 Ottawa, Canada ~200
FOSS4G 2004 - Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Geoinformatics: GIS-GRASS Users Conference Bangkok, Thailand ~150
2003 Mapserver Users Meeting St Paul, MN, United States 125
Open Source Free Software GIS - GRASS users conference 2002 Trento, Italy 140

Localized FOSS4G conferences

Some Local Chapters put on localized FOSS4G conferences like in Japan in Tokyo and Osaka. Sometimes also with other names like in Germany with the FOSSGIS conferences in German language.

Roll Your Own Conference

If you are interested in organizing "your own" conference please contact the Conference Committee - OSGeo is always interested to lend a helping hand to seed organize local events.