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m (Added FOSSCOMM and HellasGI)
(Add April 2012, COMEM OGO course :: Webmapping with OGC standards)
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* OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation
* OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation
* Local chapter meeting
* Local chapter meeting
== April 2012, COMEM OGO course :: Webmapping with OGC standards ==
* April 16th, a course dedicated on geospatialized e-Content for Media Engineering bachelor students (http://www.comem.ch) at School of Engineering and Business Vaud (http://www.heig-vd.ch), Western Switzerland, Yverdon-les-Bains
* Topic : learning webmapping and OGC standards with OpenLayers, GeoServer, PostGIS
* A customized OSGeo-Live 5.5 VM has been used through VirtualBox by 15 students to execute several exercices and to build a five days project (http://carto.iict.ch)
* Delivering a complete and ready to use geo-enabled VM is interessant for students to work in a kind of sandbox and to bring something easely back at home for later reuse.
== April 2012, Geospatial World Forum 2012 ==
== April 2012, Geospatial World Forum 2012 ==

Revision as of 02:52, 1 June 2012

Where has the LiveDVD been used? Please tell us. A history of wide use provides justification for future developers to include, and improve their application on OSGeo-Live.

Template Questions

  • date of the event, City, Country
  • link to event webside
  • Was OSGeo-Live handed out to attendees? How many were handed out? Were USBs or DVDs handed out? How many were handed out?
  • Was the OSGeo-Live lightening overview presented? To how many people? Was it a plenary event? If not, what percentage of the attendees attended this talk? Did you get any feedback? What did you hear?
  • Was OSGeo-Live used for workshops? What did the workshop cover. Was the USB/DVD or VM used? Were attendees computers used? If so, what operating systems were they running? How long did it take to set up? Were there any issues?
  • Any suggestions on what we can do to improve OSGeo-Live for future?

November 2012, Open Source GIS and Webmapping Workshop

  • Vienna (Austria)
  • Waiting on Barend Köbben to provide website url once details are finalised

October 2012, INTERGEO 2012

  • Hannover Germany
  • OSGeo-Live 6.0 DVDs to be handed out
  • Lightening presentation
  • http://intergeo.de

October 2012, Smart Korea 2012 in conjunction with OGC TC/PC Meeting

September 2012, Asia GeoSpatial Forum

September 2012, International FOSS4G2012

  • Beijing, China
  • OSGeo-Live 6.0 DVDs to be handed to all delegates
  • Lightening presentation?
  • http://2012.foss4g.org

August 2012, 34th International Geological Conference

  • Brisbane, Australia
  • OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation by Peter Baunmann, conference convener
  • http://www.34igc.org/

July 2012, Third Open Source GIS Summer School

  • Girona, Spain
  • School program focused on the development and creation of Open Web Mapping Services and Web applications. Jeremy Morley (Lecturer and a theme leader at the NGI) will be contributing the Nottingham components for the Summer School. The course has been designed and will be conducted on a GNU/Linux operating system based on the use of the OSGeo-Live DVD.
  • http://www.sigte.udg.edu/summerschool2012/

July 2012, International Environmental Modeling and Software Society Conference (IEMSS)

July 2012, AGIT

  • Salzburg (Austria) Annual Conference
  • http://www.agit.at/
  • AGIT, Friday is OSGeo day, free booth together with OSM throughtout the week (Arnulf)
  • we want to hand out +- 500 OSGeoLive DVDs

June 2012, MapWindow/FOSS4G Regional Netherlands

May 2012, FOSS4G-CEE & Geoinformatics 2012

  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • OSGeo-Live 5.5 DVDs to be used in workshops
  • OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation
  • http://foss4g-cee.org/

May 2012, FOSSCOMM 2012

May 2012, HellasGI 2012

  • Athens, Greece
  • OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation
  • Local chapter meeting

April 2012, COMEM OGO course :: Webmapping with OGC standards

  • April 16th, a course dedicated on geospatialized e-Content for Media Engineering bachelor students (http://www.comem.ch) at School of Engineering and Business Vaud (http://www.heig-vd.ch), Western Switzerland, Yverdon-les-Bains
  • Topic : learning webmapping and OGC standards with OpenLayers, GeoServer, PostGIS
  • A customized OSGeo-Live 5.5 VM has been used through VirtualBox by 15 students to execute several exercices and to build a five days project (http://carto.iict.ch)
  • Delivering a complete and ready to use geo-enabled VM is interessant for students to work in a kind of sandbox and to bring something easely back at home for later reuse.

April 2012, Geospatial World Forum 2012

April 2012, FOSS4G North America 2012

  • Washington, United States
  • Hand out OSGeo-Live 5.5 DVDs to all delegates
  • OSGeo-Live lightning overview presentation?
  • http://foss4g-na.org/

April 2012, GISRUK 2012

  • Lancaster University, UK
  • (probably) To be used for pre-conference workshop from Lutra Consulting
  • Around 200 DVDs to be handed out at the OSGeo-UK desk
  • http://www.lancs.ac.uk/gisruk2012/

April 2012, AGILE 2012

March 2012, Association for Geographic Information Welsh Group Open Source Seminar

March 2012, AWRA GIS and Water Resources Conference

March 2012, FOSSGIS 2012

  • Dessau, Germany
  • Hand out OSGeo-Live 5.5 DVDs to all delegates - more than 400 DVDs
  • OSGeo-Live was mentioned in the opening speech
  • http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2012/
  • OSGeo-Live was mentioned a lot on the conference. Some presenter mentioned in their presentation, to test the new stuff with OSGeo-Live
  • How many people were in the workshop?
    • 21 Wokshops took place in total, 15 Workshop used OSGeo-Live 5.5, some of the workshops used a modified OSGeo-Live version
    • 5 - 20 persons were in the workshops
  • What format of OSGeo-Live was used? DVD? USB? VM?
    • Used with VirtualBox
  • Did students bring their own computers? What types of computers and operating systems were brought in?
    • No own computers. We used the computers with windows and VirtualBox from the GIS pool of the university
  • How much time was spent setting up the class with setting up OSGeo-Live?
    • This was done before the workshop

March 2012, Spanish FOSS4G 2012

March 2012, Malaysian Geospatial Forum

February 2012, AAG 2012

January 2012, Pleiades Days 2012

  • Toulouse, France
  • 50 OSGeo-Live 5.0 bootable thumb drives to be handed out
  • Website

October 2011, IAEA/FAO Coordinated Research Program

  • Burkina Faso
  • This conference was the third in a series of semi-annual meetings reviewing research programs regarding two agricultural pests: Tsetse and Old/New World Screw-worm. The meetings focus on merging population genetics and GIS techniques to better understand the spread of these pests.
  • A customized version of the OSGeoLive 5.0 was prepared with data specific to Burkina Faso, and each of the 15 participants received a USB flash drive for the practice session. Some basic exercises were conducted demonstrating QGIS, Spatialite, and R.
  • Responses were overwhelmingly positive.

September 2011, Intergeo 2011

  • Nuremberg, Germany
  • Intergeo is an anual big fair on geodesy, geoinformation and land management
  • FOSSGIS e.V. (german language local chapter of OSGeo) organizes an the OSGeo Park at Intergeo every year presenting OSGeo software. There also is a presentation area where we present OSGeo Software and solutions 3 days long
  • Rest of the OSGeo-Live 4.5 handed out (aprox 100 DVDs)
  • http://www.intergeo.de/en/englisch/index.php

September 2011, FOSS4G 2011

Denver, United States

  • OSGeo Live given to every delegate. (Release 5.0)
  • 300 USBs printed, 600 DVDs
  • OSGeo-Live was used within many of the workshops

June/July 2011, Open Source GIS Summer School

August 2011, d'été - Observation spatiale de l'environnement

  • Macapa, Brazil
  • OSGeo-Live 5.0RC1 on a USB was used in a workshop for 12 students learning OTB and Monteverdi.

June 2011, FLUXNET & RS Open-Workshop

June 2011, OSGIS 2011

Centre for Geospatial Science, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

May 2011, CGS 2011

  • Bishop CA, USA
  • ~10 discs

April 2011, GITA 2011

  • Dallas Tx, USA
  • 100 discs sent to OSGeo booth

April 2011, AAG 2011

  • Seattle, WA USA
  • Annual Geography conference 8-10,000 attendants
  • ~30-50 discs given away at OSGeo booth
  • Remaining ~150 divided between CUGOS and Portland? chapters.

April 2011, FOSSGIS 2011

  • Heidelberg, Germany
  • FOSSGIS is an annual conference in german language with ~ 400 attendants
  • we printed OSGeo-Live 4.5 and handed out about 450 DVDs
  • OSGeoLive 4.5 was used sucessfully in ~ 12 workshops
  • Astrid Emde presented OSGeo-Live in a 20 min talk with focus on the background of the project and the possibilities the project offers
    • about 40 attendants

November 2010, GeoData Camp

  • Athens, Greece
  • Presented OSGeo-Live lightening presentation in Greek to more than 300 attendants. This included two 1-hour presentations in technical sessions and a 15 minute presentation in the main event.

October 2010, Intergeo 2010

  • Cologne, Germany
  • Intergeo is an anual big fair on geodesy, geoinformation and land management
  • FOSSGIS e.V. (german language local chapter of OSGeo) organizes an Open Source Park on Intergeo every year where OSGeo Software is presented. There also is a presentation area where we present OSGeo Software and solutions 3 days long
  • we printed OSGeo-Live 4.0 and handed out about 450 DVDs
  • Lars Lingner presented the DVD with Cameron Shorters presentation
  • http://www.intergeo.de/en/englisch/index.php
  • Feedback
    • good feedback: OSGeo-Live offers the possibility to get to know OSGeo Software without an installation

September 2010, FOSS4G 2010

Barcelona, Spain

  • Provided a 90 minute tutorial of OSGeo Live
  • OSGeo Live given to every delegate. (Release 4.0)

April 2010, FIG 2010 - International Surveyors conference

Sydney, Australia

  • Handed out Live DVDs from OSGeo stand. (Release 3.0)
  • Provided 15 minute lightening talk about the OSGeo stack, promoting the LiveDVD. [Report], [presentation video]

October 2009, FOSS4G 2009

Sydney, Australia

  • Handed out 500 Live DVDs in every delegate's show bag. (Release: 2.0.3)

June 2009, Spatial@Gov

  • Canberra, Australia
  • Handed out Live DVDs from an OSGeo stand. (Release 1.0)
  • Cameron Shorter provided a 30 minute presentation on the Open Source GeoSpatial Stack.

November 2008, Australian Cooperative Research Center for Spatial Information Conference

  • Brisbane, Australia
  • Distributed ~ 250 OSGeo-Live DVDs to delegates (Release 1.0)

September 2008, FOSS4G 2008

  • Handed out ~ 150 Live DVDs from the OSGeo stand. (Release: foss4g2008)