Marketing Artefacts
Revision as of 11:34, 1 November 2010 by Wiki-Camerons (talk | contribs)
The page defines the Marketing Artefacts required to make effective use of the OSGeo Marketing Pipeline. This list is to be referenced during the OSGeo Incubation process to ensure a project supports OSGeo marketing requirements.
OSGeo Live
- Description
- A self-contained bootable DVD, USB thumb drive or Virtual Machine based on Xubuntu, that allows you to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything. It is handed out at conferences around the world.
- Details at
- Proposed Incubation Criteria
- OSGeo supported client and server applications which are available on linux are expected to be packaged on the OSGeo Live DVD. Other OSGeo projects (like libraries) are just expected to provide project overviews.
- Responsibility
- Projects teams responsible for packaging their software in accordance with
- OSGeo Live Project team to create DVD
Application Overview
- Description
- A one page marketing page targeted at a someone considering using GeoSpatial Open Source, who may be a GeoSpatial User, a Technical person without much geospatial expertise, or manager with limited GeoSpatial or technical experience. Overview development and publishing is coordinated as part of the OSGeo-Live project.
- Published Overviews:
- How to create an Overview:
- Proposed Incubation Criteria
- Required for all OSGeo projects
- Responsibility
- Project's team
Application Quick Start
- Description
- Contains detailed steps showing a new user how run one core use case for the application.
- Examples are linked from
How to write an Application Quick Start is defined here: Live_GIS_Add_Project#Application_Quick_Start
- Proposed Incubation Criteria
- Proposed to be required for all OSGeo projects with executable applications, to be in place by FOSS4G 2011
- Responsibility
- Project's team
OSGeo-Live Lightening Presentation
- Description
- This presentation provides a lightening overview of all applications on the OSGeo Live DVD/Virtual Machine, with one slide/project. It should take under 30 minutes, to fit into most conference programs. With over 40 projects and a few overview slides, each slide is limited to ~ 20 to 30 seconds.
- Presentation is currently stored here:
- Requirements from each project
- One slide which contains:
- Image as per #Graphical_Image
- Text in notes providing a 20 sec script for the presenter to read. A reference to the one page project overview, to provide the presenter with background information. This should be derived from the #Application_Overview
- Responsibility
- OSGeo Live team to compile the presentation based upon the Project Overview.
- Project team to review slides and text for accuracy.
- Proposed Incubation Criteria
- Highly desirable, but not specifically required for incubation.
Project Specific Presentation
- Description
- Up to 20 min presentation for each specific project.
- Responsibility
- Project's team
- Incubation Criteria
- Desirable but not required for OSGeo Incubation
OGC Standard Overview
- Description
- 1 page overview of key OGC standards, published here:
- Source files stored here:
- Responsibility
- OGC to produce text
- OSGeo Live team to incorporate into OSGeo-Live
- Description
- A logo for the application, which is used by various marketing artefacts - like the Project Overview, Quickstart, Powerpoints, Content Diagrams, etc
- How to create a logo is explained in:
- A 32x32-pixel XPM icon for use by the Debian menus
- A 48x48-pixel PNG icon for use by menus
- Background color=transparent (not white)
- Logo is also useful for incorporating into diagrams for presentations OSGeo project descriptions
- A future requirement would be to provide the logo in larger formats in order to be cut into presentations and similar
- SVG version of the icon(preferable)
- Large PNG versions of the icon - standard size still To be Determined
- GIF versions of the image (PNG images sometimes don't seem to have their background rendered correctly in MS Powerpoint)
- Proposed Incubation Criteria
- Proposed to be required for all OSGeo projects
Graphical Image
- Description
- Each project needs to have a representative image, usually a screen snapshot.
- To be used in Project Overview, Powerpoint Presentations, etc.
- Images are to be stored here:
- How to create an image is explained here:
- Proposed Incubation Criteria
- Required for all OSGeo projects
- Responsibility
- Project's team
Technology Comparisons
- (Possible future OSGeo Incubation Requirement)
- Description
- Comparisons between similar projects ease the technology selection process for new users wishing to determine which technology is right for them. These technology comparison summaries provide tables list available features and key selection criteria against applications.
- Comparison projects:
- Desktop Comparison
- Web Mapping Comparison
- Web Service Comparison
- See the WMS Shootout. WFS/WCS comparison is still wishware.
- Database Comparison (hopefully will start to be covered at foss4g 2010)
- Web Processing Service Comparison (still wishware)
- Mobile Application Comparison (hopefully introduced through a talk at foss4g2010)
- Incubation Criteria
- Not required for incubation yet.
Case Studies
- Description
- Systems architects and project directors reduce project risk by reviewing previous implementations of technologies they are considering. Hence, case studies which describe how Open Source Geospatial has been used in previous project are very valuable. Case Studies from risk adverse organisations (like government) are usually more valuable than those from R&D organisations (like University projects).
- Projects should link to case studies. SeeCase Studies and the OSGeo Journal for ideas.
- Incubation Criteria
- Not required for incubation yet.
- Description
- Availability of training material for applications.
- Training requirements and templates still to be defined.
- Incubation Criteria
- Not required for incubation yet.