Election 2015
The 2015 OSGeo the Charter Members election will take place in June/July 2015, followed by the Board nominations and elections in August so that new board members have a chance to possibly meet face-to-face at FOSS4G in Seoul, Korea in September.
Charter Member Election
As every year we are electing new Charter Members into the Foundation.
- See the official list of Charter Members as of the 2014 elections.
- Full details of the Membership Process.
- The New Member Nominations 2014 provide an illustration.
- The role of the Chief Returning Officer.
Selection Process
A survey of all Charter Members was performed before the 2015 election, asking about a preference for the method to select new Charter Members (link to results). Although not enough Charter Members responded to indicate a strong preference, the survey was very useful to receive thoughts from members. The OSGeo Board later would decide to keep the same process as in the 2014 Elections.
2014 Process Changes
Previous to 2014, the Charter Member selection process had been a little contentious. We typically received numerous nominations from high caliber members of our community, and insufficient positions to accept them all. This typically resulted in unnecessary disappointment and dissent.
In response, in 2014, the OSGeo board agreed to update the voting process. The aim was to accept all recognised OSGeo members who exhibit Positive OSGeo Attributes.
A key change was that there is no arbitrary limit for the number of new OSGeo charter members.
Nominate new Charter Members: 2015-08-17 to 2015-08-30 (2 weeks)
- Please confirm with the nominated person first!
- Please email cro@osgeo.org with their name, contact email and paragraph describing why you are recommending this person as a Charter Member
- As per nominations process, the CRO will contact the nominated person and confirm they are willing to participate and then forward the nomination to the Discuss mailing list for further discussion (see next point).
- The list of nominees will be compiled at: New Member Nominations 2015.
Nominated Member Introductions
- During the period between a nomination and the start of the election, charter member nominees are encouraged to introduce themselves on the OSGeo discussion list (discuss@lists.osgeo.org). The nominee may optionally reference their OSGeo Advocate profile and create a profile if it doesn't exist.
Vote for new Charter Members: 2015-08-31 to 2015-09-06 (1 week)
- will likely use the same Electronic Voting system that was setup last year
- Session expiration time was too short and some members reported loosing their votes, this need to be addressed for this election.
Final Status
- Following our new Membership Process, all candidates passed the criteria to be accepted as new OSGeo Charter Members.
- The new charter members for 2015 are (in alphabetical order)
Board Election
- Following the Board Election Procedure there are 5 seats up for election this year.
- Jáchym Čepický, Bart van den Eijnden, Gérald Fenoy and Jorge Sanz have reached the end of their 2-year term, Board members wishing to stand in the 2015 election must receive a nomination, like any other candidate.
- Jáchym Čepický will not be standing for re-election.
- Bart van den Eijnden will not be standing for re-election.
- Gérald Fenoy will not be standing for re-election.
- Jorge Sanz will not be standing for re-election
- Anne Ghisla will not stay for the second year of her term
- Continuing Board members who have another year to serve are
Nominate new Board Members - 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-20 (2 weeks)
- Please confirm with the person that they would like to stand for election as a Board member.
- Email a nomination, consisting of name, current country of residence and a paragraph describing why you think this person would make a good Board member, to cro@osgeo.org by 12:00 GMT on Sunday 20 September 2015
- Remember that only the Charter Members are eligible for a seat on the Board and voting but that anybody can nominate a board member.
- The final list will be collected at Board Member Nominations 2015
Vote for new Board Members - 2015-09-21 - 2015-09-27 (1 week)
- Only Charter Members are eligible to vote.
- Choose from Board Member Nominations 2015 list.
- Through the Electronic Voting system, every Charter Member will receive a personal link to access the election.
- You can cast up to 5 votes, for 5 different people.
- Voting closes by 12:00 GMT on Sunday 27 September 2015
- Results will be posted at Board Election 2015 Results on 2015-09-28.
- Contact cro@osgeo.org with questions.