Google Summer of Code 2018 Improvements
This page collects suggestions and ideas for improvement of OSGeo Google Summer of Code
- See also lesson learned from 2017, 2015, 2014, , 2013, 2012, 2011
- Add your idea here: Explain it here.
Idea: Better bonding to community by sending the weekly report also to the developers mailing list (if it exists).?
- report template form
Having a standardized form to fill in weekly reports would help students, mentors and admins to keep track of deadlines without jumping from link to link...
- final report template
Creating a final report template in GIT would facilitate final reporting with all important,necessary and needed informations in the right place; just fork the template, fill in, it's done and submit the url.
- collective chat for students
Creating a common chat platform for students on e.g. Slack. This would help with staying in touch with them, communication could go faster between us Admins and mentors. Moreover, students could share resources between them, experiences how they managed to overcome certain difficulties, this came of great help for GSoC newtimers. If moderated correctly with a little bit of effort this can turn into a very good thing community-wise, bonding between students, increase collaboration, reinforce the ideas of an open source community.
Topics to be discussed at the upcoming Mentor summit
Google mentor summit is a great occasion to meet other organizations and gsoc admins and share good practices, clarify doubts, discuss potential problems and possible improvements. There is always room for improvement! So please, list hereinafter suggestions on topics that you wish your OSGeo delegates should bring to mentor summit for discussion.
- emphasize bonding period: Community bonding period is a good chance to learn how to communicate with and how to learn from the community. it seems this chance is very little used by students. How do other orgs motivate students to be active in community bonding period.