MapServer at osgeo7

From OSGeo
Revision as of 05:28, 8 July 2024 by Jmckenna (talk | contribs)
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Public home page

Server Overview

  • hosted on osgeo7
  • maintained by Jeff McKenna / GatewayGeo
  • dedicated container named "mapserver"
    • Debian 11 "bullseye"
    • gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1


  • 2024-07-07
    • jmckenna: upgraded to Debian 11 "bullseye", GDAL 3.9.1, PHP 8.3.8
  • 2024-06-27
    • jmckenna: exposed SLD files, upgraded to MapServer-main
  • 2024-06-20
    • jmckenna: upgraded to MapServer-main
  • 2024-06-08
    • jmckenna: upgraded to PROJ 9.4.1, GDAL 3.9.0, MapServer-main, MapCache-main
  • 2024-04-15
    • jmckenna: upgraded to PROJ 9.4.0, GDAL 3.8.5, MapServer-main, MapCache-main
  • 2024-01-26
    • jmckenna: upgraded to PROJ 9.3.1, GDAL 3.8.3, MapServer-main, MapCache-main
  • 2023-10-23
    • jmckenna: upgraded to MapServer-main, changes for HTTP/2 support
  • 2023-09-15
    • jmckenna: upgraded to PROJ 9.3.0, GDAL 3.7.2, MapServer-main, MapCache-main
  • 2023-07-13
    • jmckenna: upgraded to PROJ 9.2.1, GDAL 3.7.1, MapServer-main
  • 2023-04-12
    • jmckenna: upgraded to PROJ 9.2.0, GDAL 3.6.3, MapServer-main, MapCache-main
  • 2023-04-09
  • 2022-11-28
    • jmckenna: upgraded to MapServer-main, rebooted
  • 2022-09-12
    • jmckenna: upgraded to MapServer-main, added OGCAPI: Features demo
  • 2022-09-05
    • jmckenna: upgraded to MapServer-main
  • 2022-09-02
    • jmckenna: upgraded to MapServer-main
  • 2022-08-08
    • jmckenna: upgraded to MapServer-main, restart PostgreSQL
  • 2022-06-26
    • jmckenna: upgraded to MapServer-main
  • 2022-05-17
    • jmckenna: upgraded to GDAL 3.4.3, MapServer-main, various changes for HTML Legends demo
  • 2022-03-29
    • jmckenna: upgraded to PROJ 8.2.1, GDAL 3.4.2, GeoTIFF 1.7.1, MapServer-main
  • 2021-11-20
    • jmckenna: setup Apache rewrite for old map= paths
  • 2021-11-19
    • jmckenna: upgraded to MapServer-main, various changes for tutorial
  • 2021-11-08
    • jmckenna: upgraded to GDAL 3.4.0
      • updates to all OGC services
  • 2021-11-07
  • 2021-10-30
    • jmckenna: upgraded to PROJ 8.2.0, GDAL 3.3.3, GeoTIFF 1.7.0, MapServer-main, MapCache-main
  • 2021-05-28
    • jmckenna: setup MapCache
  • 2021-05-16
    • jmckenna: upgraded to PROJ 8.0.1, GDAL 3.3.0, MapServer-main
  • 2020-10-27
    • jmckenna: upgraded to PROJ 7.2.0rc1, GDAL 3.2.0rc1, MapServer-master
  • 2020-09-11
    • jmckenna: upgraded to PROJ 7.1.1, GDAL 3.1.3, MapServer-master
  • 2020-07-24
    • jmckenna: setup server on new container, as old AdhocVM host could no longer compile recent projects (because it still runs gcc 4.7.2)
      • compiled MapServer, GDAL, PROJ from source
      • moved all demo services (except one)


  • Jeff McKenna
  • contact jmckenna for access (occurs by proxyjump through '')

MapServer Installation on mapserver container

  • home: /mapserver/

Apache Configuration

A virtualhost is setup for, through:

  • /etc/apache2/sites_available/

Note that a proxy is setup through osgeo7's nginx to point to the local Apache which is running on port 8081

  • server logfiles live at:
  • mapserv and other service endpoints live at: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/

Restarting Apache

  • sudo systemctl restart apache2

Adding Apache Aliases

  • add symbolic links from /var/www/ to your app installed in /mapserver/apps/

Services on osgeo7

For each service you configure on, please edit /var/www/ and list your new service.

MapServer Tutorial

WMS msautotest Service

  • Simple WMS service with a latlong and mercator layer, with global extents. Used by msautotest (for GDAL testing)
  • On Disk: /mapserver/apps/msautotest/world/
  • On Web:
  • Administrator: jmckenna

WMS Service (for Documentation)

  • Small mapfile serving a raster file, and a single point, line, and poly file. Used in the MapServer docs.
  • On Disk: /mapserver/apps/ogc-demos/map/
  • On Web:
  • Administrator: jmckenna

WMS Landsat7 Service (for Documentation)

WFS Service (for Documentation)

  • Small mapfile serving a point and polygon shapefile. Used in the MapServer docs.
  • On Disk: /mapserver/apps/ogc-demos/map/
  • On Web:
  • Administrator: jmckenna

WCS Service (for Documentation)

  • Minnesota DNR demo, includes MODIS and NDVI imagery. Used in the MapServer docs.
  • On Disk: /mapserver/apps/ogc-demos/map/
  • On Web:
  • Administrator: jmckenna

OGR Examples (for Documentation)

HTML Legend Examples (for Documentation)

WMS OpenStreetMap Service (for Documentation)

  • OSM data for Minnesota loaded into PostgreSQL, served by MapServer. Used in the OpenLayers app on main site.
  • On Disk: /mapserver/apps/osm/
  • On Web:
  • Administrator: jmckenna

Caching for OpenLayers viewer

  • mapcache.xml lives in:
   sudo systemctl restart apache2
  • mapfile:
  • seed command:
   sudo mapcache_seed -c /mapserver/apps/mapcache/mapcache.xml -t osm-mn-tileset -g GoogleMapsCompatible -z 0,13 -e -10484037,5552055,-10288486,5668255 -i scanline
  • cache directory:

MapServer 7+ CGI


  • A dynamically compiled "mapserv" CGI has been compiled to support V7+ demo services.
  • Web URL:
  • Source build in /mapserver/src/MapServer-git-main/build
  • Administrators: jmckenna
  • build instructions for reference:
$ cd /mapserver/src/MapServer-git-main/build
$ make
$ cp /mapserver/src/MapServer-git-main/build/mapserv /usr/lib/cgi-bin/