Journal Volume 2
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This is just a placeholder for future contributions to the OSGeo Journal. If you want to contribute a future article, add it to this list in the appropriate category.
- Articles welcome: Now
- Article Submission Ends: July 3, 2007 (~30 days to submit)
- First Draft: July 22, 2007
- Final Publication: August 1, 2007 (~30 days from article close)
Contributors / Topics
See Journal for definition of the following categories. Add yourself if you are interested. Note that all categories don't have to be filled, so this serves as a rough outline for the types of content we generally hope to have.
- Tyler Mitchell: General updates
- Editor: Jason Fournier
- Additional contributors welcome...
Event Reports (2-3 articles)
- Ravi Kumar: FOSS GIS in India: A Report from the first meeting of the India chapter of OSGeo
- ...
Project Introductions (1-2 articles)
- Schuyler Erle: OpenLayers (title TBD)
- Scott Emmons: Flexible Internet Spatial Template (FIST): a MapServer-based web mapping framework (title TBD)
- Daniel Ames: MapWindow: Considering MapWindow as a tool for WPS (title TBD)
- Jeroen Ticheler: GeoNetwork OpenSource: The FAO GeoNetwork
Case Studies (2-3 articles)
- Joel Schlagel: title TBD
- Shamim Akhter & Yann Chemin: Porting a GRASS raster module to distributed computing
- Rafael Sperb: Fisheries Tracking System (title TBD)
- David Enns: MapServer-related project example (title TBD)
- Giuliano Cecchi and Raffaele C. Mattioli: The Programme Against African Trypanosomiasis and FAO GeoNetwork
- ...
Integration Studies (2-3 articles)
- ...
Topical Studies (1-2 articles)
- Markus Neteler: Open Source Quality Assessment System: The GRASS Case (aboutGRASS-QA)
- Landon Blake: Spatial Relationships - An Introduction to Topology
- ...
Programming Tutorials (1-2 articles)
- Tim Sutton: Programming Using the QGIS API (title TBD)
- ...
Developer Announcements
- OSGeo project summaries
- OSGeo Local Chapter updates
- ...