IncCom Meeting10

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Proposed date: Monday June 11th

Proposed time: 15:00 UTC - Fixed time around the world (11:00am EST, 8:00am PST)

Proposed location: IRC channel #osgeo.


  • Approve minutes from IncCom Meeting9.
  • Consider gvSig incubation application
  • Discuss readiness of other projects to graduate.
  • Discuss having a "Graduation Evaluation Criteria" document somewhat similar to the entrance criteria document, or possibly extend that document to be more dual purpose.


In attendance: Frank Warmerdam, Arnulf Christl, Miguel Montesinos, Francisco José Peñarrubi, Salvador Bayarri, Luis W. Sevilla, Gabriel Carrión, John Graham, Daniel Morissette, Philip Vachon, Jo Walsh, Chris Holmes, Steve Lime, Hhoward Butler.

  1. Approved minutes of IncCom Meeting9.
  2. Discussed gvSIG incubation application at length and well received. It was noted that through the incubation process the gvSIG project will need to work on opening the development process (PSC, source control, etc) more. There was also lots of interest expressed in improving collaberation between projects, especially between gvSIG and GeoTools.
  3. A motion to incubate gvSIG will be raised on the mailing list once a mentor volunteer is found.
  4. GeoTools status reviewed: waiting on legal review - ACTION: Frank to forward agreement to foundation legal reps.
  5. MapServer: in provenance review.
  6. GDAL: in provenance review (EPSG a particularly tricky item)
  7. GRASS: in progress.
  8. Discuss the need for a graduation checklist, and the existing Project Graduation Checklist was pointed out. Plan is to update this and circulate it for review with the intent of officially adopting it at an upcoming meeting.
  9. Meeting adjourned.
  10. A motion to decline incubation of the GeoFunctions project was passed on the mailing list with support from FrankW, PaulS, SteveL, CameronS, BobB, and ArnulfC on October 10th.