European Network
A page to define a common set of interests between all European Chapters...
Active Chapters
- mailing list
- url
- subscribers: #
- legally recognized or not
- Brief History
- Successful realities of Gis-FOSS in the country (es: GRASS development in Trento, IT; gvSIG community in Valencia, OSM in England, ecc.)
Czech Chapter
mailing list
- number of subscribers: about 140
legally recognized or not
not yet
brief history
Related OSGeo page.
Successful realities of Gis-FOSS
Dutch language Chapter
mailing list
legally recognized or not
not yet
brief history
Related OSGeo page.
Successful realities of Gis-FOSS
France (in Francophone Chapter)
mailing list
- number of subscribers: about 110
legally recognized or not
not yet, soon.
brief history
create in 2006 after the Lausanne FOSS4G. This first group communicated about the Francophone Local Chapter to propose to everyone interesting in this local chapter, then we were present to the main french Trade show in april 2007. One of our biggest project is the translation of the OSGeo Journal. Finally our formal proposal has been accepted on September by the OSGeo Board.
Related OSGeo page.
Successful realities of Gis-FOSS
- CartoWeb et Communauté CartoWeb
- ...
German language Chapter (DACH)
Mailing List
- inofficial mailing list
- number of subscribers: 60 , Note: through lot of activities several mailing-lists exist, efforts to bundle them were taken but with less success.
- the other mailing list
- number of subscribers: 49 , Note: through lot of activities several mailing-lists exist, efforts to bundle them were taken but with as little success. 48 subscribers are probably identical anyway...
Legally Recognized or Not
OSGeo DACH is not yet legally recognized, but discussion about the task is ongoing. GAV is a formal entity in Germany and GAV and OSGeo memberships overlap. Therefore the need to formalize the German OSGeo Chapter is not high.
Brief History
The DACH-area (German language) is a very active part of the OpenSource-GIS Community. Several companies and projects acting at this field long before the creation of OSGeo. GAV (GRASS-Anwender-Vereinigung e.V.) was founded in 2000 and worked on the support of Free GIS-software and geodata. Projects like have startet even earlier. The community also has strong support by companies (i.e. WhereGroup, MapMedia, Intevation, in medias res, delphi imm, ..) who organize the annual German language conference FOSSGIS. In 2008 it will take place in Freiburg (Breisgau) in southern Germany in the hope to attract more people from Switzerland, Austria and France. The profit that was earned from all previous conferences has been sponsored to the GAV and is used to support the work of the OSGeo in DACH.
Related: OSGeo DACH Wiki page
Successful realities of Gis-FOSS
Italian Chapter (official OSGeo Chapter)
mailing list
- number of subscribers: more than 260
legally recognized or not
- yes, as Associazione Italiana per l'Informazione Geografica Libera (Geographic Free/Open-Source Software)
- approved by OSGeo board
brief history
Legally recognized as Italian Association since February 2007, the community has a longer history around GRASS Italian Community and its meetings since year 2000. The mailing list is active since April 2005. Primary efforts are community knowhow, software localization, events organization, FOSS GIS lobbying in general.
Related OSGeo page.
Successful realities of Gis-FOSS
- GRASS in Trento:
- JGRASS in Merano:
- others: ?!?
Romanian Chapter
mailing list
legally recognized or not
brief history
Related OSGeo page.
Successful realities of Gis-FOSS
Spain (in Spanish Language Chapter)
mailing list
- number of subscribers: more than 160 (Oct 17, 2007)
legally recognized or not
brief history
Start from Girona March 2007, mailing list, OSGeo portal translation, Libro SiG.
Related OSGeo page.
Successful realities of Gis-FOSS
- gvSIG: ...
- Sextante: ...
- Libro SIG
- ...
Swiss (in Francophone Chapter)
mailing list
legally recognized or not
brief history
Successful realities of Gis-FOSS
United Kingdom Chapter
mailing list
legally recognized or not
brief history
Related OSGeo page.