All Members
Revision as of 19:19, 10 March 2006 by Wiki-JoWalsh (talk | contribs)
Name | Affiliations | OSGeo Projects | (Lat,Lon) | About |
Chris Holmes | The Open Planning Project, GeoServer | Incubator, Board, GeoTools | (40.72,-74.00) | I come from the Java side of the OSGeo fence, getting my start in GeoServer, where I was lead developer for a couple years, and GeoTools, where I still serve on the PMC. My time is made possible by The Open Planning Project (TOPP), a great non-profit in New York that has been the lead supporter of GeoServer for years now. I spent the last year in Zambia on a Fulbright Scholarship, looking at the potential for open source software to help implement spatial data infrastructures in developing countries. It was a bit of a failure, but I learned a ton, and I see a lot of potential for open source in developing countries, towards truly open spatial data infrastructures. I'm back at TOPP, in a new role as VP of Strategic Development, helping to grow the organization, and figuring out how to make our geospatial stuff self sustaining. Once that's rolling, I hope to reinvest extra revenue in to figuring out and building a truly open geospatial web. And just like apache and linux are the bedrock that the World Wide Web rests on, so too do I believe that the geospatial web necessarily must be built on a foundation of OS Geo software. My continuing thoughts on all of this can be found at |
Michael P. Gerlek | LizardTech | Promotion and Visibility Committee | (47.673166,-122.530143) | Engineer at LizardTech, doing MrSID and JPEG 2000 stuff and playing with with the next generation of technologies for supporting raster data GIS workflows. Yes, we're a closed-software shop -- but we support and use open source and open standards. I think there is room in the world for both the open and closed development models, and I have a strong interest in helping "closed" companies understand the value of, and contribute to, the open software world. User:mpg |
Frank Warmerdam | Independent | GDAL/OGR, MapServer, Incubator, Board | (45.45,-77.25) | Lead developer of GDAL/OGR and freelance geospatial software developer. |
Jason Birch | City of Nanaimo | Web Site, Promotion & Visibility | (49.155, -124.005) | I am a long-time GIS/IT/'Net junkie, and am currently working for the City of Nanaimo's IT department as a Sr. Applications Analyst (GIS Specialist). I am excited about what I see happening in the open source geospatial world, with OSGeo as a catalyst. User:Jasonbirch |
Howard Butler | Hobu, Inc | Web Site Committee, | (42.00, -93.00) | MapServer hacker, MTSC member. GDAL hacker. ESRI ArcSDE hack. Purveyor of Windows binary builds User:hobu |
Markus Neteler | ITC-irst, CEA, GDF Hannover | GRASS GIS, Board, Promotion & Visibility | (46.06714, 11.15113) | Developer of GRASS GIS, researcher at ITC-irst + CEA, Trento, Italy and co-founder of GDF Hannover User:neteler |
R. Paul Warriner | Town of Orchard Park | Web Site Committee | (43.17, -78.69) | Network Coordinator, old oil field hand (really, I do know what a frac job is), started with remote data comm. from well sites in '84 as a truckdriver, turned computer jockey by Linux in '93, found ArcView 1.0 the same year (I think), and the rest is ..... (oh yeah, I did some of that Calculus, Organic Chemistry, and Thermo thingy stuff along the way). User:RPaulW |
Bart van den Eijnden | OSGIS | Chameleon, | (52.0768396070808, 5.12454) | Freelancer working with several open source GIS tools, mainly Chameleon, Mapserver and Geoserver. |
Helena Mitasova | North Carolina State University | GRASS GIS, Curriculum project | (35.77, -78.69) | Researcher at NCSU (geospatial technology, environmental modeling, sustainable development), Developer of GRASS GIS. User:Helena |
Daniel Morissette | Mapgears | MapServer, GDAL/OGR | (48.42, -71.04) | Involved in MapServer, GDAL/OGR and most projects, mostly around webmapping and data access and distribution. User:dmorissette |
Ari Jolma | TKK | GDAL/OGR, Curriculum project | (60° 16' , 24° 47' 4) | Professor at TKK, Finland (geoinformatics, environmental information systems, water resources systems), just another Perl hacker User:ajolma |
Jeff McKenna | DM Solutions Group | MapServer | (45.401397610, -75.725861625) | MapServer documentation, MS4W maintainer, maptools co-maintainer. User:jmckenna |
Ian Turton | workblog | GeoTools | (40.7932, -77.847) | GeoTools founder and developer, GeoVistaStudio benevolent dictator, GeoServer user. User:ianturton |
David Blasby | The Open Planning Project, GeoServer, GeoTools | GeoTools | (varies) | Currently, I'm the Project Lead for Geoserver and am on the GeoTools Project Management Committee. I'm just starting a GeoWiki (Public Participation GIS) (please contact me if you're interested). I was the orginal creator of PostGIS, and have contributed to several OS GIS projects, including JTS, JUMP, and Mapserver. |
Andrey Kiselev | "Radar" R&D Centre (Russia) | GDAL/OGR | (60.04,30.33) | Freelance developer and contributor to GDAL/OGR project. |
Helton Uchoa | Geolivre Community, Open 3D GIS Project | - | (-22.96, -43.11) | I'm a Geomatics Enginner and I work at OpenGEO Company as a GIS Specialist. I'm responsible for many GIS projects using FOSS and the OpenGIS Specifications in Brazil and I have some relevant papers and scientific articles presented in Brazilian and Latin-American conferences and published in scientific magazines. In last year, I have helped, as a teacher, introduce the GNU/FSF philosophy at the Transportation Engineering Department of IME (Military Institute of Engineering, Brazil). I have worked in Geolivre Rio 2004 and 2005 as member of organization commitee. Now I'm working in Geolivre Conference 2007. User:Uchoa |
Toru Mori | Orkney, Inc. | MapServer, GRASS GIS | (35.448, 139.642) | President of Orkney, Inc. Advocate of Open Geospatial tools in Japan and Asia. Promote open geospatial data. User:moritoru |
Allan Doyle | EOGEO,MIT Museum,NASA Earth Science Data Systems Standards Process Group | Public Geospatial Data Project | (42.28, -71.24) | President of EOGEO and International Interfaces, long-time geo-interoperability interests, opensourced (is that a verb?) OpenMap, originator of OGC testbed idea, Web Mapping Testbed, WMS spec editor, worked on WMS Context, GeoRSS. more details. BlogUser:adoyle |
Ned Horning | Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History | Curriculum project | (43.9933, -73.0407) | Program manager for remote sensing/GIS. Promoter of open source geospatial tools in the global conservation community. |
Paul Spencer | DM Solutions Group | MapServer, Chameleon, kaMap, MapLab, MS4W, OpenEV | (45.401397610, -75.725861625) | CTO of DM Solutions Group, designer/developer/contributor to many open source packages, especially based on MapServer. Recent interest/focus is on AJAX clients for mapping applications. User:pagameba |
Mark Lucas |, Radiant Blue Technologies | and ossim | (27.9690219N, 080.5590534W altitude sea level + 5m) | CTO of Radiant Blue Technologies, original founder of ImageLinks and Board of Directors Open Source Software Institute and the National Center for Open Source Policy and Research. Member of Open Technology Development Tiger team for the Department of Defense (USA). Lead a team of talented developers on the OSSIM and osgPlanet projects. Previously spent 22 years in the United States Air Force and National Reconnaissance Office and the Secretary of the Air Force Special Projects organization working with various classified programs. Prior to Radiant Blue Technologies, was a Lead Scientist for Intelligence Data Systems, Titan Corporation, and L3-Communciations. Personal Web site. User:mlucas17 |
Jo Walsh | Open Knowledge Foundation,Mapping Hacks, Public Geodata | Open Geodata committee | (42.368297,-71.108696) | Came to geospatial software through collaborative mapping on the semantic web work. Organising events to get geospatial hackers together with data-creating people and promote public access to state collected geodata. If you are in Europe please see Public Geodata and consider writing to an MEP about public domain data and "intellectual property rights" issues. If you collect GPS tracks, please consider uploading them to OpenStreetmap - my only real contribution to this project is to talk about it a lot. I co-wrote "Mapping Hacks" with Schuyler Erle and Rich Gibson, with a lot of contributions from OSGeo type of people. Last year wrote a lot of software using it and OpenGuides to provide a basis for collaborative local "portal" type services on community wireless networks. Now more interested in doing collaborative writing and research projects. User:JoWalsh |
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