Marketing Meeting 2009.12.10
This normal meeting is Thursday December 10th 07h00 UTC (Wednesday pm in some regions).
Note meeting dates recently changed to 2nd week of month instead of first
- Roll call
- Review previous minutes: Marketing Meeting 2009.11.12
- Add other items to agenda - open for discussion
- Update on main projects:
- Website concepts - Website design (Daniele)
- Bringing branding to the OSGeo site. Addressing website flow and accessibility, etc.
- Follow up from discussions back in February
- Marketing expectations from/to OSGeo software projects
- Events
- AGU 2009... (Alex)
- AAG 2010...(Alex)
- FOSS4G2009 final thoughts re: marketing (Cameron)
- FOSS4G 2010 future thoughts (Tyler)
- Google Adds grants for Foss4g?!?
- Others...
- Marketing Material Samples (Tyler)
- Exhibition Pack (Alex/Tyler)
- Website concepts - Website design (Daniele)
- Other...
- Review time/date for next meeting