2009 Finance Review

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Revision as of 16:25, 19 January 2010 by Tmitchell (talk | contribs) (→‎Revenues: add final and variance.)
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This budget is approved by the OSGeo board of directors and should not be altered without their consent.

Item Description Budgeted By Q3 Projected Final Final +/-
Accounting Professional accounting, and tax filing support (very rough) $8000 nil nil 0 -$8,000
Bank Charges wire fees, service charges, etc $1500 $549 $900 $597 -$903
Insurance Directors and Officers Insurance (estimated) $4000 nil $4000 0 -$4,000
Other $1,283 +$1,283
Marketing Activities as budgeted by Marketing Committee $50,000 $8761 $10,000? $13,225 -$36,775
Executive Director
Salary & Benefits Full time senior staffer ($106270CAD * 0.90)

(includes payroll service cost)

$95,643 $72,019 $96,000 $97,153 +$1,510
Travel Travel and Entertainment $20,000 $12,469 $16,000 $16,180 -$3,820
Office Office, supplies, postage $5,000 $3,184 $4,300 $3,762 -$1,238
Project Infrastructure
Hosting with performance guarantees $14,014 $10,511 $14,000 $12,846 -$1,168
DNS PairNIC - various DNS registrations (including project domains) $250 $50 $250 $305 +$55
Server Purchase additional server, possible colocated at Telascience $2,500 nil ? 0 +$2,500
GDAL Sub-Contracts From Project Sponsorships $22,500 $3,176 $22,500 $1,627 -$(20,873)
QGIS Expenses $2,247 +$2,247
GSoC Expenses Summer of Code Mentorship support, gifts $2,905 +$2,905
Total $223,407 $110,700 $167,950 $152,130 -$71,277


Source Contributors Budgeted By Q3 Projected Final Variance
Sustaining Sponsorships (50K) 2 $100,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 -$50,000
Principal Sponsorships (20K)
Supporting Sponsorships (10K) 3 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000
Associate Sponsorships (3K) 14 $42,000 $27,000 $27,000 $27,000 -$15,000
Project Sponsorships GDAL $30,000 nil $30,000 $20,500 -$9,500
FOSS4G 2009 Conference $12,000 nil nil $45,258 +$33,258
GSoC (mentorships) 20 $10,000 nil $9,500 $10,000 $0
Total $224,000 $107,000 $146,500 $182,758 -$41,242


  • All amounts are in US dollars.
  • FOSS4G revenues and expenses are netted out to anticipated profit.
  • The budget presumes gaining one new sustaining sponsor (50K), one new sustaining sponsor (10K) and four new associate sponsor (12K).