Board Meeting 2011-11-10
Revision as of 01:27, 18 November 2011 by Arnulf (talk | contribs) (linked to Geospatial World Forum)
This board meeting is scheduled for the 10th of November 2011 at 17:00 UTC on IRC and follow up voting on Skype.
- Review past minutes: Board Meeting 2011-10-05
- Appoint secretary
- Action items from last meeting
- mpg: remove last line from codesprint guidelines [done]
- Peter: make mission text same on all pages
- Jeff/Tim: draft RCMRD MOU
- Peter: look into conf call options
- All: review Tyler's task list and prioritize, mark for budget if outsourcing is the option
- (Motion to) accept Jody Garnett as new Incubation Committee chair replacing Daniel Morissette
- (Motion to) establish a North America Region Chapter OSGeo-NA
- Discuss how to proceed with FOSS4G 2012 in Beijing.
- Geospatial Media offer to join organizing the Open Source track at Geospatial World Forum in Amsterdam (see mail)
- Review, simplify and harmonize OSGeo Bylaws, guidelines and OSGeo Constitution
- Review What's_Not_Working and What's Working (last edits from 2006) and update or delete (not sure whether we need this pages).
- Task WebCom (if still alive) with web site redesign, see also and WebCom_OSGeo_Site_Focus#All_Together_Now
- Initial contact point for sponsorship requests and follow-ups.
- please add items
- logistics
- detailed conversation log:
- Attending: mpg, Mark (dropped off at 0:45), Jo, Frank, Arnulf, Daniel, Jeff, Tim
- Also attending: Tyler
- Regrets: Peter
- Absent: (none)
- Chair: Arnulf
- Scribe: mpg
- roll call
- review past minutes
- approved
- items carried over from last meeting
- codesprint guidelines approved
- seems no interest their side
- Frank will try to contact, carry over to next time
- conf call options
- Peter out, defer
- review Tyler's task list
- most pressing items seem to be already being handled
- treasurer transition not yet completed
- CRM working
- Tyler mailing mpg some hardcopy stuff
- phone number for DNS, etc - mpg cell for now, mpg to get google voice for this
- reviewing the ED xfer list
- remaining holes are SAC, finances, maybe some MarCom
- approve Jody as Incubation Chair
- approved
- motion for NA chapter
- much discussion
- agreed to defer; Mark follow up on emails
- Beijing 2012 event
- Jeff to prepare a proposal to discuss with Beijing and Board, the spirit of which is:
- there is a perceived lack of communications from the LOC which has us concerned
- also, we know there are lots of logistics we (Board, prior LOC experienced people) can help out with
- we are considering hiring Jeff to do this
- Jeff to report back on 17th
- Gary Sherman notes the need for openness and public discussion, due to obvious possible conflict of interest
- Arnulf to send board mtg email to discuss list w/in 1 week
- Jeff to prepare a proposal to discuss with Beijing and Board, the spirit of which is:
- Geospatial Media offer to join organizing the Open Source track at Geospatial World Forum in Amsterdam
- Arnulf to own this
- Need to simplify our bylaws
- need a team with at least one board member to review current bylaws, solicit general membership, make recommendations for changes
- Jo to lead this team
- bylaws changes to find a way to fix board voting procedures
- WebCom redesign issue
- moved to sac/WebCom, no board action to be taken
- contact point for sponsorships?
- will be Arnulf for now
- may hand off/rotate in time
- additional items
- mpg to send out email with all motions
Assigned Tasks
- Frank: try to contact RCMRD once more re: MOU
- mpg: get a google voice phone number for OSGeo
- Mark: continue email threads on NA chapter formation
- Jeff: prepare proposal for aiding Beijing LOC (due Nov 17th)
- Arnulf: send out summary of meeting to discuss list (due Nov 17th)
- Jo: form bylaws team
- mpg: send out motions for formal voting
- approval of previous meeting's minutes - m/Daniel, 2/Frank, all +1
- codesprint guidelines approved - m/Frank, 2/mpg, all +1
- approve Jody as Incubation Chair - m/Daniel, 2/Arnulf, all +1
- Jo to serve as chair of bylaws task force - m/mpg, 2/Frank, all +1
- close meeting [not voted]