Tenth VisCom Meeting
Revision as of 09:42, 14 August 2006 by Tmitchell (talk | contribs) (→Old Business: moving higher priority items to top so autodesk staff can leave after)
Date and Time
The meeting will be on August 17th, 2006, at 15:00 UTC [worldclock]] (8am PST)
The meeting will take place on IRC at #osgeo and as a [conference call].
(This meeting was originally scheduled for August 3rd, but was moved to August 8th as mpg had a conflict. Due to lack of a quorum on the 8th, it has been rescheduled to the 17th.)
Standing Agenda
- Assign scribe
- Roll call (chair)
- New Business (below)
- Old Business (below)
- Review action items (chair)
- Set next meeting date (chair)
- Adjourn
New Business
- Hawaii event (Intergraph?)
- as per Frank's mail of Aug 7th
- any volunteers to, umm, go to Hawaii?
- IncCom support
- need list of collateral "strongly desired" at graduation
- one-paragraph blurb, one page write-up, screenshot or two, logo, ...
- Events page
- I know, I know, we have two of them. That's not good.
Old Business
- need to make sure FOSS4G is covered whilst Arnulf is away
- need an owner for EuroOSCON -- possibly Schuyler+zool?
- Events management
- mpg to do up a "list of Event Owner tasks" page
- mpg still not happy with Events page, wants more process
- MapAsia and World Map Forum
- Kirsten to discuss with Venka re: possibility of helping w/ OSGeo booth
- Need "feature matrix comparison" brochure
- see thread on discuss mailing list from July '06
- Membership / Recruiting
- (discussed at ninth meeting)
- need to get ideas for this
- Web site stats
- mpg to get website hit stats, etc (from auke)
- Logo Usage
- Tyler to start a logo "guidelines" and "usage" page, for us to kick around
- Press Releases
- need a press release for October-ish
- need to try again and get a Translation team together
- Strategy
- TODO: start a Strategy page, sync with FunCom - broadly solicit general ideas
- Newsletter
- we just need volunteers, can leverage GRASS work, etc; could include reports from committees, board, etc
- discussed at ninth meeting