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Python Developer & data engineer working for EOX in Vienna.  +
i made a trip planner using osm & gtfs. i like mapbox  +
Geospatial expert and community lead for the Thales group Organizing committee of FOSS4G Europe 2017  +
I'm a Web Developer from Brussels. I work as employee in a small company from Laeken (Brussels) named GEO-6 since 2005. We mainly develop web applications using web mapping. At first we used our own MapServer (developed by a former employee - running under Windows to display MapInfo files) with our own JavaScript library to display and interact with the map. Yes, we totally reinvented the wheel ... not very clever I agree. In 2013, we finally decided to switch from Windows to Linux and switch from our custom map applications (difficult to maintain) to open-source solutions. We choose to use OSGeo MapServer, Leaflet JS Library and the power of GDAL library. Very (VERY) happy to have switched even if today I regret to have chosen Leaflet over OpenLayers (which seemed a little bit "old") and so currently (slowly) migrating from Leaflet to OpenLayers 3. I also work as Freelance Web Developer on my spare time. Also in web development but not "limited" to web mapping applications. I'm an OpenStreetMap member since 2012 but did my first real contribution last Saturday (not very proud about having waited 4 years to finally contribute) :  +
I graduated as a geographer several datum changes ago, and remember clearly discovering the magic of gdal in my search to become digital and shpless. Now, 40 years later, I don’t know anyone that can’t find their way through the world using mobile mapping tools. At a MapServer user meeting in Ottawa in 2004, I found and embraced a vibrant, innovative and sociable community of such diversity, everyone had a place, and a role in growing a movement. As a participant and presenter at several FOSS4G conferences, I know how passionate OSGeo is about our community. In whatever small way I may have contributed, I have gained far more in return. I am particularly interested in engaging community in land use decision making, and in mapping the negotiated and overlapping jurisdiction of colonial and indigenous world views. I am fortunate to call the Yukon home, but I still stay connected with my OSGeo family everywhere. I value and respect diversity; and honour those who give of themselves to further the dreams of others.  +
Jeroen has been promoting the use of international standards and Free and Open Source Software for geographic data and information for over twenty years now. Jeroen is Project Officer for the GeoNetwork opensource project. He served on the OSGeo Board in 2007 & 2008 and is a Charter member since the early days of OSGeo.  +
A mapish developer working at GeoCat. Active with OSGeo and LocationTech communities working on a wide range of free and open source geospatial goodness!  +
Originally from Canada, I'm currently based in Fremantle, Australia where I operate an open geospatial consulting company called Mammoth Geospatial. Organiser of FOSS4G Perth and, founding chair of FOSS4G SotM Oceania & OSGeo Oceania. Frequent attendee and sometimes volunteer at global FOSS4G events. Always keen to meet other spatial enthusiasts. Building a strong open geospatial community in Oceania!  +
Federal sector geospatial analyst in Australia. FOSS4G SotM Oceania Committee member 2018, OSGeo Oceania Board member 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 202, FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2020 Co-Chair, FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2021 Conference Committee member.  +
EO Platform Architect and Research assistant at German Aerospace Center, German Remote Sensing Data Center, Department for Information Technology.Interested in Earth Observation, OGC-compliant EO services, and user-friendly services and applications.  +
Hello. I am a GCI participant and i would to learn more about programming.  +
Software Engineer and postgraduate in UX. She has been working actively in the geo field for 6 years, with a wide experience in the design and development of geo-themed mobile and web applications, betting on the use of open technologies and open data.  +
Jörg Thomsen is active in the german language OSGeo local chapter FOSSGIS e.V which organized the annual FOSSGIS conference. Since march 2020 he is the vice chairman of FOSSGIS e.V.. He is part of the Mapbender Team and loves MapServer. Jörg Thomsen leads several workshops and presentations on Mapbender, MapServer, GeoServer, PostgreSQL/PostGIS and OWS at a lot of Conferences FOSSGIS, AGIT, Intergeo).  +
Julien Michel is a many year (9+) contributor to the Orfeo ToolBox (, an open-source C++ library for remote sensing images processing, which is an incubating OSGeo project. Julien Michel is also a member of the OTB Project Steering Committee. He occasionnaly contributes to the OSSIM and ITK projects.  +
Hi there! I'm just a typical junior in New Jersey in an engineering school. Right now OSGeo is the one organization I've been focusing on. Cmon, it's an organization dedicated to map making. How cool is that! I really loved fiddling around with topographic maps as a child, and this love for geography still lives on to this day as a deep personal interest of mine. Yes, call me a nerd for analyzing topographic and climate maps in encyclopedias because I had nothing to do. I have no shame in it, because it was something I found exciting as a child. As of now I am studying to become an engineer. What field of engineering, I don't know! Only time will tell. For now I'll just do what I enjoy doing. Things I also do in school. Typical nerd stuff, like Math League and Science Olympiad and Robotics. Although, one thing I can say about myself is that I'm a great cook.  +
Angelos is a remote sensing expert with background in surveying engineering and software development. He is involved in numerous activities around free and open source software and has great experience in geospatial applications, geospatial data catalogues and metadata. His research involves remote sensing, machine learning, computer vision and object-based image analysis. He is currently the President of OSGeo and also serves at the OSGeo Board of Directors. He is an active advocate of OSGeo in Greece at related conferences. He is also an individual OGC member. His recent activity involved implementation of catalog service and implementation of the Greek national open data portal  +
I am a GCI 2017 student, working on the Add yourself to the OSGeo Member Map task  +
Dimitris's interests are in the areas of Web Information Systems, Semantic Web, Open Linked Data, Social Networks, etc. Dimitris is a frequent speaker at GI Conferences both national and international and also an organizer of events or special sessions dedicated to Open Geospatial Software/Data/Protocols.  +
I am Koushikey Chhapariya, a Ph.D. student in Geo-informatics from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. I have a bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering and am working on getting ready with ZOO-Project for the OGC Compliance Testing during Google Summer of Code 2023. \  +