Board Meeting 2021-11-29
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This board meeting is scheduled Monday 29 November 2021 at 16:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.
Current items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes
- Accept new charter members for 2021 [1]
- Incubation application accepted for pygeoapi [2]
- OSGeo / OGC Memorandum of Understanding update
- Add your topic here
- Presiding: Till
- Scribing: Till, Angelos
- Attending: Angelos, Codrina, Vicky, Tom, Helena, Michele, Till, Astrid
- Guests:
Review and approve past minutes
- Board_Meeting_2021-10-25
- Motion on loomio:
Accept new charter members for 2021
- CRO email [3]
- Motion passed on Loomio:
- Astrid will inform via email (similar to last year)
- inform people better, what actually charter membership means, in order to encourage more people
- AI Vicky: review the membership page on the website
Incubation application accepted for pygeoapi
- email from incubation committee [4]
- board to approve vote, AI Angelos: prepare vote on loomio and inform the board (done)
OSGeo / OGC Memorandum of Understanding update
- Overview:
- Issue tracking:
- Draft Exhibit A:
- Tom reports on the actual state (as can be seen in the WIKI, link above)
- AI Angelos: Prepare Loomio Vote for board to approve
- discussion that we need a Committee / Standard-Committee
- for this ask project members that depend on OGC
- Tom suggests to ask at standards-list for a new committee and attract people to join (after Loomio vote passes)
- Tom/Angelos to prepare a press release
- Review Committee guidelines for this!
OSGeo Code Sprint 2022
- Discussion what happens with next code sprint?
- Common Code Sprint OGC/Apache and re-use room from OSGeo-CodeSprint
- AI: Tom to check Joanna on OGC Codesprint planning
- Angelos happy to pass to volunteers for f2f code sprint
- See
- Angelos points to the fact, that we as bvoard are responsible for some pages, probably we need a wqork session to update them
- AI all: Review older tickets (e.g. number below #100) and update/close them
- no log, a jitsi meeting