News Queue

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Revision as of 09:42, 13 December 2024 by Jive (talk | contribs) (→‎Announcements)
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This is a page is about how news gets posted for and about twitter news.

News Editor

News for goes through a news editor that ensures some degree of consistency and appropriateness. Currently the primary news editor is Jorge_Sanz, with Astrid Emde and Frank Warmerdam as backup editors.

The news editor team is also available on chat in Matrix at room and in IRC at the #osgeo-news-team room.

Submitting News

Email new news items to This goes to the news editors. Projects, committees or other interested parties can submit a news item to that mailing list. Then the editor (or if they are unavailable the backup editor) would take care of formatting the item for consistency and putting it on the news page and forward the message to the OSGeo Announcements mailing list.

On occasion, the news editors may also post items based on stuff they see happening without explicit direction, though this isn't the main task of the editor.

Mechanics of Posting


Note: These instructions are for News Editors.

  • News items are published using the "Foundation News" content type in the new OSGeo website (Wordpress).
  • It's interesting to put some of the content in the header section to make the article more appealing.
  • If the post is about an OSGeo project or committee, use the Relations section to define explicitly the relationship.
About OSGeo Section

The top-level Diamond and Platinum sponsors have a perk of being mentioned in the about "OSGeo section" of each news announcement. Check the sponsors page to see the current list of Diamond and Platinum sponsors to be listed.

 About Open Source Geospatial Foundation
 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is not-for-profit organization to “empower everyone with open source geospatial‘. The software foundation directly supports projects serving as an outreach and advocacy organization providing financial, organizational and legal support for the open source geospatial community.
 OSGeo works with Re:Earth, QFieldCloud, GeoCat, T-Kartor and other sponsors, along with our partners to foster an open approach to software, standards, data and education. 

When the foundation news items is about a specific sponsor, example "QFieldCloud platinum sponsor for 2026", more generic text can be used:

 About OSGeo
 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster global adoption of open geospatial technology by being an inclusive software foundation devoted to an open philosophy and participatory community driven development.
 The foundation provides financial, organizational and legal support to the broader open source geospatial community. It also serves as an independent legal entity to which community members can contribute code, funding and other resources, secure in the knowledge that their contributions will be maintained for public benefit. OSGeo also serves as an outreach and advocacy organization for the open source geospatial community, and provides a common forum and shared infrastructure for improving cross-project collaboration.
 Visit for more information.
Announce mailing list

A clean plain text version of the announcement should be sent to the mailing list if the news item is significant (we aim to keep announcements down to 2-3 per week on the announce list). Please ensure that these emails follow good email styling. Less than 80 characters per line, plain text (no html!), formatted for easy reading as text, spell out urls fully with http prefixes so that url detecting email programs can turn them into followable links. Use the title of the item as the title of the email. Using your own email address as the From: is fine, but remove any personal "signature" from the email.

All announcements will need to be approved by an announce mailing list moderator. Hopefully any news editor will have an appropriate password. Approval can be done at:

Please check the "delete all messages marked defer" flag at the bottom to clear all the other junk out of the queue after you approve your new announcement.

Share on Social Media

Announcements should also be posted via the OSGeo social media accounts listed on this page.

Normally we post a link to the announcement on the OSGeo web site, but remove the "description" since it picks up the wrong stuff, and instead summarize the topic as the main test of the post.

It is also good to have an image to go with the post topic if one has been included with the story, or the generic OSGeo logo as a placeholder.

Coordinate on the marketing committee discourse category.

Event Items

Events should be posted to the Events page on the website as soon as practical. New events can be posted at:

  • Format the name of the event in the event item to include the city and country of the event too. eg. "Intergeo, Hannover, Germany" or "Indian National FOSS4G Conference, Hyderabad, India".
  • Try to pick the appropriate time zone, and set the start time to 8am and end time to 5pm on the corresponding days.
  • Make sure there is a link back to a more comprehensive description of the event.
  • Limit events to those which have at least some OSGeo or open source geospatial aspect. If possible highlight that aspect in the post.
  • Events may be submitted via the news_item alias, or directly added by those with Drupal editor access.

Press Releases

Some effort should also be made to ensure that any press releases from the Marketing Committee make it into the news stream, and vice versa that major announcements are proposed to Marketing Committee as press releases.






  • created 2ß23-03-25 by Astrid Emde




