Marketing Meeting 2007.11.21
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Please note change in time - 5 hours later than usual
Marketing Committee meeting to be held on Wednesday Nov. 21th at 20:00 UTC on (#osgeo). IRC client (select #osgeo from the drop-down list, and type /nick YOURNAME, to set your nickname for use in the channel).
Meeting Agenda 2007.11.21
- Role call
- Assign scribe
- Review previous minutes
- Review previous action items
New Business
- Discuss and (hopefully) agree on the Marketing proposal
- Boost spreading OSGeo's name (how to?)
- Produce HQ paper version of project / committee info sheets
- Create an OSGeo CD/DVD with all projects to give away together with HQ paper version of project / committee info sheets
- Actively plan and commit to more conferences, trade fairs, events at large
- more?
- IRC-only meeting, started 20:04 UTC
- Roll call: Tyler, Arnulf, Jeroen, Daniele, Aaron (left early), Michael. Regrets: Nathalie was unable to attend.
- Guests: Frank, Howard
- No previous action items to review
- Jeroen presented background for Marketing Proposal 2007
- Followed meeting discussion at FOSS4G re: marketing approach, described OSGeo role to company/designer that helped with GeoNetwork design project. Requested a proposal for helping OSGeo meet goals of outreach to more users.
- Proposal reviews design concepts for printed and digital material, and also a communication component for developing a marketing strategy.
- Discussed various objectives and strategies that the proposal could cover.
- General consensus on approach - to focus on communication and design concepts.
- communication concepts to be done in Dec, design by February.
- Arnulf has more concerns/questions and will follow up with PR company and Jeroen
- Arnulf to contact consultant to discuss further, will report back in one week and discuss voting on the mailing list
- MOTION: Tyler moved to add Daniele Nascimento to the committee, Jeroen seconded, all were in favour.
- MOTION: Tyler moved that the Marketing Committee request $5,000 as an operating budget for the remainder of 2007 fiscal year. Arnulf seconded, all were in favour.
- Discussion of CD/DVD deferred to mailing list
- Discussion of events perspectives started. Tyler described the idea of supporting more grassroots initiatives - i.e. small events that shadow other bigger (i.e. proprietary) events. Arnulf expressed interest in seeing if OSGeo can participate at a large vendor show. More discussion deferred to list.
- Tyler moved to close the meeting, Jeroen seconded, all were in favour.
- Meeting closed at 21:33 UTC