Marketing Meeting 2009.11.12
This normal meeting is Thursday November 12th 07h00 UTC (Wednesday pm in some regions). This is our new usual monthly time and date.
Note meeting dates changed to 2nd week of month instead of first
- Roll call
- Review previous minutes: Marketing Meeting 2009.05.07
- Add other items to agenda - open for discussion
- Update on main projects:
- Events
- AGU 2009... (Alex)
- AAG 2010...(Alex)
- FOSS4G2009 final thoughts re: marketing (Cameron)
- FOSS4G 2010 future thoughts (Tyler)
- Others...
- Material Development & Communication and Branding (Tyler) - Marketing Material Samples
- Exhibition Pack (Alex/Tyler)
- Website design (Daniele)
- Events
- Other...
- Review time/date for next meeting
- Changed date/time for meetings in hopes of getting more attendees?