Board Meeting 2009-05-29

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This board meeting has been scheduled for the 29th of May 2009 at 15:00 UTC (fixedtime), by Skype and IRC (#osgeo) at the same time.

Communication will be using Skype voice, initiated by Tyler. Be sure to give him your Skype username.

Please notice that we should have any necessary dialog on IRC or mail before the actual meeting so that we can make the phone call as short as possible.



  • Attended: Arnulf, Jo, Frank, Markus, Ari, Tyler
  • Tyler volunteers to take minutes

General Discussion

General discussion occurred on IRC.

  • Review and approve Board Meeting 2009-03-13 minutes and review and approve Board Meeting 2009-04-24 minutes.
    • markusN: re the first minutes: was there any follow-up concerning "Ask Marketing Committee to discuss how to spread the OSGeo PayPal donation option more, track donors, etc. "? TylerM: no, I didn't make any follow up on it via marketing committee. Will file a trac ticket for Marketing.
    • TylerM: Similar question re: the 15k up front funding for foss4g2010 - did conference committee get anything back? FrankW: With regard to 15k upfront, I floated a proposal but there was no followup on the list from me or anyone else. zool: as the barcelona organisers are the ones it will most impact i would expect to see input form them e.g. lorenzo - a draft budget for where that will be laid out
  • Approve OSSIM for graduation from incubation with Mark Lucas as VP, OSSIM as recommended by the incubation committee.
    • zool: i am glad to hear inccom is happy given the code management / governance issues ossim had in the past - very glad!
    • FrankW: OSSIM has a somewhat unconventional approach, but they do buy into our requirement for openness, and traceability.
  • Review and approve the 2008 annual financial report recommended by the Finance committee
  • Elections for Charter Members and to Board in 2009 - find a CRO, draft a timetable. cool pokerspiele


After general discussion, voting was done by voice call.

  • MOTION: Arnulf moved, Jo second, motion to approve March minutes. All were in favour, carried.
  • MOTION: Arnulf moved, Jo second, motion to approve April minutes. All were in favour, carried.
  • MOTION: Frank motioned, Jo seconds: Approve OSSIM for graduation from incubation with Mark Lucas as VP, OSSIM as recommended by the incubation committee. All were in favour, carried
  • MOTION: Frank motioned, Arnulf seconds: Review and approve the 2008 annual financial report recommended by the Finance committee
    • +1 from 4 voters, +0 from Jeroen (didn't have time to review) - carries.
    • Follow up note from Jeroen says he's reviewed and would vote +1 in retrospect.
  • Arnulf motions to close formal call part of meeting. Jo seconds, all in favour. Meeting adjorned after approximately 30 minutes.